1999 Ranger 3.0 FF, adding cruise control | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1999 Ranger 3.0 FF, adding cruise control


Elite Explorer
February 6, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
No. Alabama USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Blue Ex 4.0 SOHC
KAGG 3611 (CB)
My 1999 Ranger is a very stripped down model. Manual windows and no Cruise Control. It is 3.0 V-6 powered, Whoo Hoo! powerful!
It does not have Cruise control and I want to add it. I don't know if the column has the provisions for it however I do have a 5 button set, the Keyless entry buttons off of another Ford that may be usable. I do have the under hood unit off of the retired 1997 MM and I think that the throttle body has a place to hook up the CC cable. I know that I wouldn't be able to have on the steering wheel however I don't think it would be to inconvenient have it operating off of the 5 button set mounted near the driver.
I'm thinking as typing...In the old button set that is steering wheel mounted, is there any electronic components that would have to considered in the design or schematic for this, additional wiring issues etc. Has Anyone ever added Cruise to a Ford that didn't have it from the factory and anyone have a wiring schematic for the 1999 Ranger CC. I know that some Rangers came with CC because one of my neighbors' 2002 has "cruise"
ADDED-Currently looking at diagrams...
I may have foung something on a Ranger forum adding cruise to a non-cruise Ranger

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That link looks like it should be a big help!
Have you thought about swapping in the whole steering column from an Ranger/Explorer with cruise? Seems like that would put you halfway there...

@RangerX That would be the best idea. And I might could use my extra 1997 MM column assy if it wasn't for the sensor ring, key and all of the PATS stuff.

way back when i bought my ex, it didnt have cruise, or title. i bought a complete column with cruise (you need the buttons, and clock spring if i remember). you will also need the master cylinder with the switch on top for brake de activation, as well as the motor on the passengers side fender, and cable to go to your throttle body.
it was all plug and play. all the connectors were there under the dash and hood.
i also did this to a 03 ranger as well.

I was hoping that the Cruise wiring pieces were independent form the main body harness. I understand what you are saying about the clock spring, switches on wheel and the column itself. I think the cruise column has at least 5 to 8 more wires?

Here are a couple of threads to check. In the first one, another member figured out how to add cruise to an '05 Sport Trac, and I followed his lead with my '02 Sport Trac. With our trucks, it took fewer parts than you'd think - clockspring, brake switch on top of the master cylinder, and the motor/actuator from the passenger side fender, plus the buttons. Neither of us changed steering columns or added wiring. The harness the clockspring plugs into is the same regardless of whether the truck originally had cruise or not, but the clocksprings are different.

