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2 Piece Upper Control Arm


Well-Known Member
October 18, 2006
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Clarksville, TN for now...or forever
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01 EB
Does anybody make the inner half with new bushings?

I know I can get the outer with the ball joint and still have the ability to fine tune the alignment, or a one piece with and get new ball joint and new bushing...can I get both?

I need new ball joints and would like to put in a new inner with bushings and still have the ability to fine tune the alignment when I change the outer for the new the new bj.
Preferably, without changing the bushings myself.

So...does anybody sell the inner with new bushings?

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Does anybody make the inner half with new bushings?

I know I can get the outer with the ball joint and still have the ability to fine tune the alignment, or a one piece with and get new ball joint and new bushing...can I get both?

I need new ball joints and would like to put in a new inner with bushings and still have the ability to fine tune the alignment when I change the outer for the new the new bj.
Preferably, without changing the bushings myself.

So...does anybody sell the inner with new bushings?

RockAuto shows the replacement bushings (Moog, pair $17.45). i saw a new inner control arm w/bushings for $65 on ebay. i'd replace the bushings on your old one.

Yup, pick up the new bushings at rock auto. But it'll be a pain to get them on/off. You'll need a special tool for that or you'll go crazy trying.

Bushing replacement can be done.





You got all the nice tools don't you? Any houses for sale near yours, lol?

So...short of having a press, are there any bolt in inners with the bushing already installed?

Or are my choices less caster adjustment vs old bushings?

So...short of having a press, are there any bolt in inners with the bushing already installed?

Or are my choices less caster adjustment vs old bushings?

i've installed the bushings using a bench vise. i've also seen it done using a piece of threaded rod w/some nuts and washers. if you have a machine shop near you (like a NAPA) i'm sure they could do it pretty inexpensively.

as i told you, i saw a bolt-in inner UCA piece, with the bushings installed, on ebay for $65.

i've installed the bushings using a bench vise. i've also seen it done using a piece of threaded rod w/some nuts and washers. if you have a machine shop near you (like a NAPA) i'm sure they could do it pretty inexpensively.

as i told you, i saw a bolt-in inner UCA piece, with the bushings installed, on ebay for $65.

I saw that...then completly blanked.

I will check it out. Much appreciated.

i've installed the bushings using a bench vise. i've also seen it done using a piece of threaded rod w/some nuts and washers. if you have a machine shop near you (like a NAPA) i'm sure they could do it pretty inexpensively.

as i told you, i saw a bolt-in inner UCA piece, with the bushings installed, on ebay for $65.

Not finding it, any idea how long ago that was?
Or a link?
I searched 2001, Ford, Explorer, EB, 5.0.

Different year?

Not finding it, any idea how long ago that was?
Or a link?
I searched 2001, Ford, Explorer, EB, 5.0.

Different year?

it was just the other day (when you originally posted the question). i just went to ebay notors and searched for Explorer upper control arm and found it without much trouble. i don't think i specified a year as '95-'01 2wd/4wd/awd are all the same.

edit: i just looked for it again - sorry, but it was a used one. i suggest you just get the bushings and replace your old ones,

I got mine from ford 5 or 6 years ago

it was just the other day (when you originally posted the question). i just went to ebay notors and searched for Explorer upper control arm and found it without much trouble. i don't think i specified a year as '95-'01 2wd/4wd/awd are all the same.

edit: i just looked for it again - sorry, but it was a used one. i suggest you just get the bushings and replace your old ones,

Found the used one too.

How difficult is it to change the bushings without a press?
Do they need to be pressed out and pressed in?
Got any tricks?

I got mine from ford 5 or 6 years ago

I will check the Stealership.
Yes the same one that told me not to change my shocks because "nobody does".

I would keep the two-piece setup for more caster adjustment if I had the option. Having the Moog K8704 bushings pressed in should be inexpensive at any auto or machine shop. By changing to the K80068 one-piece UCA, it's possible
you may need to install camber kits on each side at $15-$25 each. Have your alignment checked either way. GL


How difficult is it to change the bushings without a press?
Do they need to be pressed out and pressed in?
Does anybody have any tricks?
