$20 USB OBD2 adapter (Pics) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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$20 USB OBD2 adapter (Pics)


Explorer Addict
January 16, 2005
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2009 Limited V8
This was featured in an article on hackaday.com. This shows how you can build your on diagnostic tool for less then $20 that goes from the OBD2 port to a USB port on a PC. I am going to attempt to make one in the next month or so and if anyone is interested ill do a write-up. I just wanted to share what I found, I got pretty excited over it.






See Post #23

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No, you will have to make a OBDII-Serial cable. He has the pin layout on the website.


I would think that that would depend more on the software rather then the hardware so if you can get software for the specific vehicle it should work. We will see.

Hmmmm.... (stroking non-existent goatee)

Just ordered the kit. The total with shipping came to $31.00, I am going to receive it sometime after December 3rd. I will do an extensive write-up on this.

At this point he is only selling the kits, Ill check and see if he is planning on selling pre-assembled ones in the future. As for the cables the one that connects the PC to the adapter is a standard USB cable which you can get almost anywhere. I will have to make the cable that goes to the OBDII connection and the adapter. I have several serial cables I can butcher so there is no problem with that end, but I am at this point unsure what I'm going to do with the OBDII connection. Any suggestions?

60 bux with cables-assembled in a box
software available on the site also

You'll see the cheaper version is manufacturer specific-in groups

This is about the same deal-look around the site for kits and parts

would be really cool if someone had a project of a homebrew ecu flasher. Mustangp51 how long did it take him to get back to you on the kit?

Only a few hours, but he is out of town until December 3rd, so it may take him awhile.

Just an update, I just got the kit, It seems to be pretty straight froward, im only worried about soldering one component to the board as it is surface mounted and does not go through the board. I need to pick up a lower wattage soldering iron Ill get to work on it this weekend. Wish me luck.

Good luck :thumbsup:
let us know how it goes.


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haha. good luck man. let us know how it goes. im very interested and looks like a great deal.
