2001 explorer feels like it's hitting rev limiter | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2001 explorer feels like it's hitting rev limiter

December 3, 2012
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2001 explorer sport
I have a 01 explorer with 55k miles 4.0 automatic, runs and drives great for 15-20 minutes and then it won't rev past about 3k rpms.
I believe it to be fuel pressure related ...but I'm running out of ideas, so far I have changed fuel pump, fuel filter, mass air sensor, throttle position sensor and the fuel dampener...granted all of these parts where not new.. But the issue has not changed. Anyone have any ideas?

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i want to say maybe check the plugs? when i had the SOHC motor in my explorer, i tried using ngk's once and the truck ran like crap. i put motorcraft ones back in, problem solved

If it's spark relate, it's losing all 6 cylinders at once ...when it does it, the engine goes completely flat ..wont rev won't accelerate. Nothing..But if I just try to run a steady speed it's smooth as silk

Nobody else have any ideas?

I've wondered, but it only has 55k miles on it... and I have literally had it stall out at 60 mph... kicked it in neutral..started it back up...and it runs fine for a couple minutes ?
