2001 Ranger 4x4 V8 swap with 97.5 drivetrain | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2001 Ranger 4x4 V8 swap with 97.5 drivetrain


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
September 16, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Virginia Beach, Va
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 4x4 Mounty
I picked up a 2001 Ranger extended cab 4x4 with a 3.0 with a missfire and a bad oil pan leak leak. Needless to say the gutless 3.0 needs to go. I have a late 97 Mountaineer parts truck I am using for the swap. I will be using the 97 computer so I have to swap the entire fuel system, no pats and shouldn't have too much of an issue with the speedo. I do realize most of the wiring is different from the 2 trucks so there will be a ton of re-pinning on the connectors.

I was set on leaving the truck stock height and doing the V8 swap but have decided its much easier to do a swap with a body lift. Since I did a body lift I realized I wanted more so also going with a 4" superlift kit with coil-over conversion. Will be running 4.88 gears with a lunchbox locker in the front and E-locker in the rear explorer 8.8.

I am a very busy person and will try to update this post more than once a year since this is a slow going project haha

How it started:

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Year and a half update....... drive train is out the ranger. The front lift is done, complete frame has been cleaned and painted and I have a garage full of V8 parts ready to go. I'll hopefully be running by summer.

Hot dam, its about time


I have been busy the last few weeks. Got the truck fired up, rear driveshaft made and actually drove the truck down my street for the first time in 2 years so I'm stoked!! Still have a huge to do list to finish up the swap. The only issue I found with my wiring is to the a/c clutch since the Rangers are set up completely different in the wiring.





Awesome cant wait to see it

My poor man's deavers haha. Gained 4" of lift using 2 sets of stock explorer springs. Nice and soft still too, flexes great. Still need to swap out the rear axle and take out the factory blocks though.



Are you gonna do manual hubs?

Nope, just going with a torsen l/s in the front.

Finished my rear shock setup and gave it a flex. Have 5" up travel and 6" down.









Boy I need to update this thread. Here's some more recent pics.....




I'm running an E-fan with the radiator in the stock position(not dropped like you normally would with a body lift). I'm using a 2010 ford fusion fan with pulse width mod control (gives 4 speeds)


Very nice work!
How do you like driving it now?
That V8 power has to be awesome!

I've actually been daily driving it the last 3 months because I like driving it so much. The low end of the v8 along with it screaming exhaust note to 5800 rpm make it very enjoyable to drive. I've done a ton more to it than what I've posted, time has me limited.


75mm tb w/3.5" intake


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