2001 ST stuck in 4x4 high | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2001 ST stuck in 4x4 high


April 14, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Port Huron, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport Trac/1997 F150
I tried doing a search but its not loading for me for some reason.We got a butt load of snow today and had to put the 2001 ST in 4x4.Well now it will not disengage back to 2wd.What should I look for?I dont hear the clicking noise coming from the dash either.

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Maybe you have some binding going on. Try backing up a few feet with the wheels facing straight ahead.

Nope nothing.It wont switch back to 2wd in P or N either.I disconnected the battery to see if that would do it, but not sure.Its never acted up before.But like I said, when I turn the switch on the dash, I dont hear the clicking sound that it use to make from the passenger side dash area.:(

With the switch turned to 2wd and the truck running but in Park with the Parking brake set, get underneath the truck and tap the motor on the transfercase that switches it from 2wd/4hi/4low.

If that doesn't work. You can remove the motor and manual turn the switch with some pliers to the 2wd mode.


Tap the shift motor, but be careful about how hard you tap...
I read somewhere here somebody broke the magnets inside the motor because of tapping too hard...


2001 ford sport trac stuck in 4wd

Hey everyone need alittle help, i just got some snow a little while ago and kicked in my 4wd two or three times and worked fine and then i kicked it in the last time and now wont come out. I have disconnected the battery, i have check the dash switch that is fine and when i move to 2wd the dash clicks but wont kick out just keeps clicking on the module. I have disconnected the transfer case motor wires nothing, i have also tapped the transfer case motor nothing, I have gotten to the point i am pissed off and need it out, It acts like it wanted to come out like the tires with jerk and pop wont fully come out just kicks back in. Does anyone think its the transfer case motor or something else need help thanks


already have done that to, so i am stuck in a hard place i don't want to go to a shop when i can do my own work you know?

Make sure all your tire pressures are the same. And I hope your tire sizes are all the same. If the tires are not at the same diameter, then that creates binding. If there is sufficient binding in the drive line, the 4wd will not disengage. That's where trying to backup and pull forward sometimes help to relieve the binding. Make sure you backup and pull forward slowly.

Worst comes to worse, pull the switch motor off the transfer case and manual switch it to 2wd.

Mine over the years has had intermittent bad behavior. Last time I was out offroading a couple of months ago I had already used it a few times. And then we were heading up a new trail that I needed it in 4wd and it wasn't cooperating. I backed my truck back down to a flat spot and did the tapping the motor trick to get it into 4wd. But, I have yet to have to pull the motor off to manual switch it. But, I have friends here in Texas that have had their motors removed so that they could get theirs switch in and out of 4wd on a consistent basis. One of them, SVO, even developed a specialized socket for his.

Its too bad Ford never gave the Sport Trac 4x4 owners the choice of the manual BW1354 transfer case. But, they do put them in some Rangers. So it's possible to buy a manual transfer case for our trucks.

Well I disconnected the battery and let it sit for 10 min, hooked it all back up with the switch in 2wd and it is now in 2wd. When I have time I will try to see if it goes back in to 4x4 or not.

Ok, heres me new dilema.According to the dash and switch it is in 2wd.But on dry pavement while turning sharp,I could tel lthe 4x4 was still engaged.I went on some snow and floored it, sure enough, it was in 4x4.So I assume that the shift motor went bad and blew the fuse cause even switching the switch to 2ed,4x4h, od 4x4l..it does nothing.Took the motor off and manually put it back into 2wd for now.The little bushing on the screw head in the shift motor is fine, no cracks or anything, how can I test this motor to make sure it works correctly?
