2002 4wd not working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002 4wd not working


Elite Explorer
December 18, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Miami, Fla
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Sport Trac
From reading here if you disconnect battery you lose 4wd 1. is this 100% correct…..
Thanks in advance

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4wd should work
I mean you lose 4wd if you disconnect the battery? With the battery disconnected you lose everything lol

In fact disconnecting the battery for a little while is a good way to reset the 4wd system so it can “try again” to shift the 4wd transfer case motor. These trucks have a stand alone control module for the 4wd system. If yours is not working, it has nothing to do with the battery and everything to do with the shift motor on the t case and the button on the dash

If the affected fuses under hood and dash are in best shape, a bad shift motor ground wire could be a reason,
maybe corroded plug contacts, but in most cases the 4x4 shift motor itself is the trouble maker.
Unbolting it and see if it is rotating, while someone activates the 4x4 switch.
If it rotates try to move the shaft with a visegrip, hoping that it spins freely.

A bad 4wd shift module would cause trouble codes, if you are able to read them out
this could be a start.

Did your 4 wheel drive was functional before battery was disconnected?
Any blinking dash lights?

Regards Wolfgang

So if the 4 x 4 CM does not click would that be ground zero ? The CM sends the command to shift motor right ? . what about the selector switch does the CM control it ?
Fuses are good ... Almost forgot , Can I remove Control Module and drive truck without codes popping up ...
Thanks in advance

So if the 4 x 4 CM does not click would that be ground zero ? The CM sends the command to shift motor right ? . what about the selector switch does the CM control it ?
Fuses are good ... Almost forgot , Can I remove Control Module and drive truck without codes popping up ...
Thanks in advance
Solved!, turns out the previous owner replaced radio disconnected a bunch of connectors and left them bunched up found connector and all is good
