2002 Explorer SES light & Too Lean Codes - runs rough and dies | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002 Explorer SES light & Too Lean Codes - runs rough and dies


New Member
March 26, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Indianapolis, Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Eddie Bauer

I have a 2002 Explorer with a V8. The Service engine soon light is on. The engine runs but dies on idle when warm. The codes are P0171 System too lean (bank 1), P0174 System too lean (bank 2), P1131 Manufacturer Contrl. Fuel Air Metering & P1151 Manufacturer Contrl. Fuel Air Metering.

Does anyone have any idea what this could be caused by and how do I fix it?

I have some skills but not a mechanic. I have no special tools.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Suspect the intake manifold seals first- on the 4 kitre sohc, they are a common problem and throw the same codes- you could do this yourself- the parts are cheap from Frauds and would take around 3 hours if you have the time.
you can find posts here with pics if you look for 00m12 kit.................Thats a differant problem, but to fix it you have to take off the inlet manifolds and change the seals too. Let me know how you get on?

Also, it could be something as simple as vacuum leaks. Check your hoses and see how they're holding up. How many miles are on the vehicle? Next best guess is what BIGHVM has suggested, the lower intake manifold gaskets.

Suspect the intake manifold seals first- on the 4 kitre sohc, they are a common problem and throw the same codes- you could do this yourself- the parts are cheap from Frauds and would take around 3 hours if you have the time.
you can find posts here with pics if you look for 00m12 kit.................Thats a differant problem, but to fix it you have to take off the inlet manifolds and change the seals too. Let me know how you get on?

Would that blow PCM fuse # 13 15A fuse? Ihae that same codes after replacing the fuse:dunno:

Oh and the fuse blew again
