2003 Passenger Cabin Fuses 8 & 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003 Passenger Cabin Fuses 8 & 9


Active Member
January 21, 2004
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City, State
Ames, Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 V8 Eddi Bauer AWD
According to the Explorer 2003 User Manual the passenger compartment fuses 8 and 9 are not used. Interestingly 8 exist as a 5 amp and 9 as a 15 amp fuse. I'm curious if these fuses actually are being used or not.

My investigations so far resulted that the fuses are "hot in start or run" just like fuses 10 through 14. The other side of fuse 9 goes to the top righ pin of the huge screw on plug (looking at user manual p184). Fuse 8 goes to the same plug whre the "hot in start or run" powers comes, specifically the bottom righ pin (looking at user manual p184). Fuse 8 also goes to relay 4 and to two pins of relay 6. Both of these relays do not exist.

I do have the workshop manual and wiring diagrams on CD but I'm having a hard time navigating through it and locating these two fuses or the wiring harneses to which they connect. If you want to give me a lesson how to successfully utelize the CD feel free to do so and if you can assist me in satisfying my curiosity that would be awsome. ;)

The Ford wiring diagram says not used. With the fuse removed, check to see if there are mating terminals for both sides of the fuse, or just one. Often if a fuse is not used, there is still power going to one side, but it doesn't go anywhere from there. It may just have spare fuses stuck in those spaces.
