2004 eddie bauer rear TV | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2004 eddie bauer rear TV


March 6, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
04 v8 explorer

I added a headunit to my explorer and the rear tv doesnt work anymore. Is there some kind of adapter that i can buy to hook it back up to my kenwood headunit. Would be sick if i could watch music videos on the headunit and have them display also on the rear tv. I attatched a pic of the connectors that arent connected anymore behind my headunit. Sorry for making two threads but i figured id get more help here



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Are you referring to the factory DVD player?

There are no plug and play connectors for 2002-2005. You lose protocol A & B when you remove the OE radio, maybe a break in the Canbus system as well.. Whatever it exactly does I don't know.. I've seen vehicles at wrecking yards where it appeared to have been done.

Try contacting Ford, they have a write up on it. Don't know that it was for the Explorer though, may have been the Expedition.
