2004 mercury mountaineer coolant leak | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2004 mercury mountaineer coolant leak


New Member
June 18, 2022
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Detroit Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 mercury mountaineer
Hello, there's coolant spewing out from this thing shown in picture top of engine near the back firewall, does this get capped off or is there a hose missing that goes somewhere,? Thanks for any help.

20220618_181024.jpg 20220618_181012.jpg 20220618_180955.jpg

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That almost looks like a heater core port. Does your heat work currently?
I don't know because when I start the car all the coolant shoots out right there so I turned it off because it said running hot should I start and try heat?

That almost looks like a heater core port. Does your heat work currently?
Thanks for help
I don't know because when I start the car all the coolant shoots out right there so I turned it off because it said running hot should I start and try heat?
No heat, tried to start car and I guess since coolant was so low as a failsafe it wouldn't start I added some water and it start but I shut it off so I don't cause damage I'm guessing a hose is missing but for the life of me I I so were it leads

If it's the nipple for the heater core, there should be another hose too, the two of which go to the firewall on the passenger's side to connect to the heater core in the dash, so look on the firewall, upper passenger's side for two hoses, one of which is now disconnected, or broke completely off if the other end is bad too.

It might be the "extra" port that comes with replacement manifolds. Dorman 4.6l intake coolant leak
There are a lot of write ups on here about it, including from me. You didn't say if you just bought the vehicle or if you know any history on it. But the issue is by the firewall on the passenger side.

It might be the "extra" port that comes with replacement manifolds. Dorman 4.6l intake coolant leak
There are a lot of write ups on here about it, including from me. You didn't say if you just bought the vehicle or if you know any history on it. But the issue is by the firewall on the passenger side.
Sorry yes i just bought vehicle don't know history
