2004 Limited w/ 4.6 Coolant Leak on backside of engine | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2004 Limited w/ 4.6 Coolant Leak on backside of engine

I'm also losing coolant and can't see where from. It's from the back of the engine and I can see drops hanging on the rear crossmember.

Is it possible to see the cap, or look for an intake crack without taking anything apart? I couldn't even see anything with a flashlight and inspection mirror--but then I don't know exactly where to look...

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Reread comment #7 from this thread, then click on the link. It is the circled item that is diagonal from the thermostat housing. The cap is missing in the picture, but there is a cap with a spring type clamp with the Dorman aftermarket manifold.

I'm not sure if it is an automatic thing. I had some radiator problems about a year back that required me to replace it. Suffered some overheats during that time which I'm sure shortened the life of that rubber cap.

Is this rubber cap only on the Doorman replacement manifold or does the factory maifold have it too?

Reread comment #7 from this thread, then click on the link. It is the circled item that is diagonal from the thermostat housing. The cap is missing in the picture, but there is a cap with a spring type clamp with the Dorman aftermarket manifold.

OK--that fitting/cap looks easy enough to get a good look at.
That link implies that the re-designed intake with aluminum thermo housing doesn't have the problem with cracks. What does the collective here say?

I don't have that fitting on my 04 4.6. I have what I guess would be called a "boss"--a raised post to mount something to. No lip for a hose and no through - hole.
So is my truck a unicorn?

I am thinking that this port may only be on the dorman replacement intake manifold.

the oem also has that hole but depending on the model (it's used across different models using the 4.6 engine) that hole is plugged inside from the factory. my mountaineer has that and it's plugged inside, the crown vic (grand marquis) is open and a hose is attached going into the heater core.

here's a side comparison between oem and dorman

I have a 400+ mile trip this weekend so I've taken my truck to a shop to look into my leak. We've invited friends or I'd risk driving it with the slow leak.

Well I guess I'm not going to be much help in adding to the "causes" database. My mechanic found the intake leaking at the driver's side rear but said the intake would need to be removed to find the reason. Could be a cracked intake, could be a bad gasket. He recommended first trying a stop-leak product (Alumaseal I think), which I approved. No leak overnight. If this $40 fix doesn't last, then I go plan B for the $900 fix.

I'll chime in here with another case of the bypass port cap failing on a Dorman replacement intake manifold. I have a 2002 Limited 4.6L; I replaced the intake manifold in September 2013 and have put less than 10,000 miles on the truck since then. I was driving it on Tuesday and floored the throttle briefly; when I backed off, I immediately smelled coolant and noticed a copious amount of steam behind me. I pulled over and discovered coolant pouring out of the bypass port in the right rear; the cap had split open most of the way around, just above the spring clamp. When I removed it, I noticed the whole cap was pretty deteriorated, both inside and outside - similar in appearance to dry rot on a tire. It was enough to make me wonder if the cap was only intended for vacuum or something like that, rather than exposure to coolant.

The auto parts store was closed at the time, so I went to the farm and home and bought a short piece of 3/4" heater hose, some hose clamps, and a 3/4" bolt to use as a plug on the other end of the hose. So far it is doing the job; I have ordered a package of bypass caps of assorted sizes, but I don't know that I'll bother replacing my homemade cap unless it starts to leak.

While I was typing this, I just remembered that I installed a Dorman manifold on a friend's van with the 5.4L a few months after I did mine. I don't recall if it has a cap or hose in that location, but this makes me think I should probably check!

I'm having this same problem right now. I started this thread about it in case anyone wants to see some photos of the cap leaking:


Mine lasted a few months after having the manifold replaced. The mechanic fixed it for free. The free fix lasted a couple of weeks.

I highly recommend NOT using that same rubber cap to fix this. I think the heater hose with a stainless bolt in it will likely be a LOT more reliable.

I just hope the latest blow-out of that rubber cap didn't total my engine. I had to drive it for about five minutes before I could pull off safely, and in that time, the temp gauge pegged hot, and things got pretty nasty. I guess we'll see.

Anyhow, these rubber caps are not to be trusted.

I think I found my leak over the weekend. The coolant "cap" that goes on top of the manifold (on the firewall, passenger side of the intake) is leaking. I don't know how I didn't see it before but it is pissing coolant RIGHT into the area I've been finding it. I removed the intake to repair the top heater hose that runs out of the back of the water pump across the top of the block and when I got everything together it was WORSE than before. I think I might have jostled this cap around a bit to make it worse.

The cap is made of rubber and is clamped onto the intake. I'm going to repair it tonight and see if that solves it. Will report back but I'm confidently crossing my fingers.

I registered just to say that you "found" exactly what they guy in the first reply told you the problem was. He even posted a damn picture for you with it circled!! You act like you had no idea...seriously what the hell man? At least give the guy credit for being correct and trying to help you...even if you didn't listen to him.

Well I guess I'm not going to be much help in adding to the "causes" database. My mechanic found the intake leaking at the driver's side rear but said the intake would need to be removed to find the reason. Could be a cracked intake, could be a bad gasket. He recommended first trying a stop-leak product (Alumaseal I think), which I approved. No leak overnight. If this $40 fix doesn't last, then I go plan B for the $900 fix.

$900 for intake manifold replacement??? Find a new mechanic.
