2005 Explorer Cigar Lighter not working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2005 Explorer Cigar Lighter not working


New Member
April 15, 2013
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2005 Ford Explorer
Ok guys, this appears to be very redundant, but my cigarette lighter does not work. My plug works, it works on other cars but not mine, so I know that works.
I purchased a new outlet for the explorer from Ford, and still does not work. I have checked fuse number 24 and it is not blown. Please guys, any help at all.

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Yes the outlet in the center console,, I would consider it behind the cup holders. I noticed when I took the console apart I looked under it, it's plugged into the outlet, the wires go into a harness, the same colored wires lead to a plug that is not plugged in and I see nothing else that should plug into it.

Did you check fuse #9 under the hood? See fuse diagram linked above. (Page 235)

It's fuse #7 in the above linked manual on page 235, not #9 .

I'm assuming power point #1 is in the front of the center console which is fuse #9 . (Pages 68-69)

You'd think that and that would make sense. But the one on the front of the console is #2 . The power port at the back of the console is #1 . At least on my 02.

^ I bet the owners manual is bass ackwards and wrong, wouldn't be the first time. I'm losing sleep over this, where's the OP? ;)
