2005 MP3 problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2005 MP3 problem


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July 26, 2005
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2005 Eddie Bauer
i have a 2005 eddie bauer with premium 6 disc indash player, it says it plays mp3. i just bought it on 7/21/05

the dealer said it was mp3 compatable.

whats the scoop on the mp3's ??

i tried every way to burn mp3 cd's but none work, it just spits the cd out of the deck.

any help would help.

what brand is the stock stereo ??

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how are you burning the mp3s?

and what are you burning it with?

read the owners manual to see if it says mp3 compatiable on it

normally with nero for examply you burn it as a data disc and just put the mp3s on there

RanSit said:
normally with nero for examply you burn it as a data disc and just put the mp3s on there

Thats how I do it with my Ford/Pioneer MP3 CD player.

the manual says it plays mp3's

this is a stock unit.

i have the 6 disc changer and it is satellite ready and has DVD in the back seat.

i tried roxio, nero & windows. i tried burning them as data & mp3 music.


I would say you have a malfunctioning unit. Take it back to Ford and say its not operating properly.

here is the answer to my question.

if your head unit doesnt have directions to play and mp3 on the radio preset station, its not mp3 ready.

what it will say above each preset button 1-6 things like folder > folder<

in short, if you radio preset buttons dont have anything except the preset numbers, it wont play MP3's

I've got a 2005 XLT Sport and it doesn't play MP3's. The MP3 functionality is for Late Model Explorers only. If you radio doesn't say MP3 on the front than you don't have that functionality.

If your head unit does say MP3 on the front than I don't have anything to offer.

my dealer is swapping mine out for the MP3 one.
