2006 Explorer - Ghost Turns Radio on | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2006 Explorer - Ghost Turns Radio on


April 15, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Fairfield, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer XLT V8
Good morning,
We have a 2006 Explorer XLT with a V8. We just got it three weeks ago, bought it from our local Ford Dealer as a certified used vehicle.

A few times we have come back to the truck after ducking into the store and found that while the truck is all locked, the radio is on. The first time or two I figured it was a random glitch.

Now, after some testing, I found that I can reproduce the issue.

1. Drive somewhere, heck, run the motor and stop.
2. Turn off truck. Radio stays on until doors opened.
3. Exit truck, close all doors. (Radio turned off when the doors opened)
4. Lock doors via keyfob. All doors lock.
5. Press the lock button on the keyfob to make the horn beep to confirm all doors locked.
6. Stare in puzzlement as you hear relays click inside vehicle and radio comes back on. Also, if the fan to the AC was left on, the fan comes on, then turns right back off.
7. The radio stays on for about 30 minutes (I didn't exactly time it, but it was about that long). I assume the battery saver timer that turns off all inside lighting after 30 minutes overrides the ghost that turned the radio on.

Has anyone seen this issue before? I am wondering if it could be a bad door switch or something. With the certified used vehicle program from Ford, it is covered. I'd just hate to bring it in and find that it was a simple door plunger that was stuck. I did check the switches visually, but found nothing amiss.

Can anyone point me in a direction? Has anyone else heard of this? For some reason, I think I read of someone with a similar issue, but I cannot find it either here or through Google.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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It sounds like when your locking it, the delayed accesories feature is engaging againg (when you turn the key off, windows work, radio stays on...)

Stay in it and lock it like you said, see if you can roll the windows down...

Yup, the windows can be rolled down when this happens.

I don't know what it means, but it seems to mean something to you :)


Your Accessory Delay Relay is kicking back in after the doors have been locked. It stops after 30 minutes like you said, to save the battery. The relay is in the interior fuse panel (Smart Junction Box). On the back I believe. You could also pull fuse 1 out of the engine compartment fuse panel. That is where it gets power, but not sure what else runs off that fuse as well. The circuits that control the relay are internal to the SJB. It may be getting a false input to turn it on. Or the SJB itself might be messed up. The dealership should be able to tell. I'd take it back in since you just bought it CPO and persuasively talk them into fixing it. Otherwise it could get expensive to fix.

Especially if it is certified- that comes with a warranty, no? Take it back- you don't want electrical gremlins.

What is turning on (accessory delay) is the same thing that allows the radio to stay on and windows to work before you open the door after turning off the key. It has a 30 minute cycle, then turns off (battery saver). As gus said, it's getting a false turn on somehow, it's thinking you're still in the vehicle which is why it kicks the radio back on and you can run the windows.

Thanks for the input folks. Yes, it is certified, so it will be going back.

I just didn't want to bring it back and have them say, "Gee, all you have to do is push this here thingy and it is fixed."

I'll let you know what they find.


Ford made things right by me

Finally got the truck back to the dealer. I got a call from the service writer that morning. It seems that my Ford OEM remote start was not working, and it would cost me some minimum charge for them to diagnose it.

That is funny on two points:

1. We didn't know the truck had remote start
2. If the truck had remote start, according to the 169 point checklist that the mechanic and business manager signed when I purchased this certified used vehicle, remote start should have been tested to be sure it was working before I picked it up. I had the signed form I received from them saying they tested it.....

When I called the business manager about this and explained how I cannot understand how they can charge me for fixing something they said was working......yada, yada, yada. He asked me to drop off the second set of keys so that they could reprogram the remote start.

My wife now has remote start in her truck. She loves it, and I am sure she will love it a lot more in January and February in these cold NJ winters.

That was going to be a Christmas present from me.....I guess now I can spend the money on some other toy for my wife's truck. Anyone know a good supplier for Ford OEM look running boards?

Just wondering, does your remote not have a start button on it?
If not, how do you start the vehicle remotely now that you found out you have it?. I think all of us who bought ours used are wondering if maybe we have it and don't know it also!

Just wondering, does your remote not have a start button on it?
If not, how do you start the vehicle remotely now that you found out you have it?. I think all of us who bought ours used are wondering if maybe we have it and don't know it also!

NO, it is the standard 4 button Ford Remote that I have seen on many Fords. It works with the lock button on the remote. You press it once to lock the truck. The second time you press the lock button, it beeps once and starts the truck.

I am not sure if this was an OEM or aftermarket remote starter. All I do know is that it now works and with winter arriving, the wife is hppy to have it.


Mine does not have remote start, as far as I can tell, and all my window sticker says is under the included options "RMT KEYLESS ENTRY W/KEYPAD"

It won't be on the window sticker. The window sticker includes all the materials it left the assembly line with. To date, nothing has rolled off the Ford lines with a remote start in it. Some are added at an upfitter before the dealership. But most (99%) are added by a dealership technician. The reason it works with the original Ford remote is because the company that makes the kits, CodeAlarm, makes them recognize the frequency Ford uses. The kits can be bought over the counter at any local Ford house if you feel so inclined to install your own, and the boxes will say Ford or FoMoCo all over them but they're actually still made by CodeAlarm. Sorry for laying down such an explanation, but I just finished my remote start install in the ST "for my wife" ; ) and picked this all up along the way. I installed a CodeAlarm labeled system because A. I knew it would go into my Ford fairly easy. And B. They make a good quality product.

It won't be on the window sticker. The window sticker includes all the materials it left the assembly line with. To date, nothing has rolled off the Ford lines with a remote start in it. Some are added at an upfitter before the dealership. But most (99%) are added by a dealership technician. The reason it works with the original Ford remote is because the company that makes the kits, CodeAlarm, makes them recognize the frequency Ford uses. The kits can be bought over the counter at any local Ford house if you feel so inclined to install your own, and the boxes will say Ford or FoMoCo all over them but they're actually still made by CodeAlarm. Sorry for laying down such an explanation, but I just finished my remote start install in the ST "for my wife" ; ) and picked this all up along the way. I installed a CodeAlarm labeled system because A. I knew it would go into my Ford fairly easy. And B. They make a good quality product.
Great information here. :thumbsup:

How much did that unit cost for you? Was it literally a plug & play installation or did you have to and splice a few wires?

$65 on e-bay plus $35 for the PATS bypass at Ford, plus about $10 in misc supplies. Not plug and play. There was splicing involved. I know everyone says don't use scotch-lock or crimp style splicing, but... if you have a Ford remote start you have crimp on splices. Key to the crimp style is to fill them with di-electric grease first. Prevents moisture intrusion and corrosion. Seeing as they are indoors anyhow it's really not that big of a deal. The non-Ford instructions are kind of vague but if you have a wiring diagram of your truck it's not that bad. I did the full setup. Remote start, keyless entry, and alarm. I think total it was around 10-12 wires to connect. Whether or not to do it yourself is another story. If you think "I might F it up bad" then probably get some help. If you do it then keep in mind that until it is completely installed and programed it will do goofy things. Mine kept randomly locking the doors and flashing P-lights. Almost like a strobe. One it was programed, not a problem.

I have factory keyless and want to retain it's functionality. I've been google'ing for a Code Alarm for my 06, but haven't found any specific model that will play nicely with it.

Any suggestions? Sounds like you (Gus Gorilla) bought a generic unit. I've done that on older cars which didn't already have a remote start, but don't want to for this one.

If you're googling for specificaly a Ford Accessory Remote Start they are harder to find since they are only available through Ford or private individuals who have one. I'll PM a couple listings to you of where to find some so you can get first crack at them if you want.
