2007 Air conditioner cycling problem | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2007 Air conditioner cycling problem

This was posted in the Explorer forum this morning...

Yes there is a valve under the hood that is opened when you put the system in heat mode that allows hot coolant to circulate through the heater core. I guess that it could be sticking partially open, but goes fully open when the system flow increases. I also recall reading about some vehicles (may have only been Ford Flexes) that had issues with the motorcraft gold coolant causing heater cores to plug up with deposits.

In my experience modern cars that I have owned haven't had the water control valve. Temperature control has been performed by the blend door with hot water running through the heater box at all times. This blend door is electrically controlled so I don't see it fluctuating. I am wondering how this water controlled valve is operated if there is in fact one on the vehicle.

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Simply because of laziness or money or other things coming up, I have not pursued this further. I've learned there is a switch that causes the AC compressor to cycle during heavy load. If it malfunctions, it can cause intermittent cycling. However, there doesn't seem to be a way to test it except to change it out. I'm not highly motivated now that the weather has cooled off.

I was excited when I tested the blend door and found the actuator malfunctioning. A pretty inexpensive fix considering the money i've spent on the rest of the AC system. I was disappointed when it didn't fix the problem. More disappointed that my normal mechanic couldn't find the real problem.

Now that my buddy is on it, I hope we get somewhere. I'm kind of obsessive about my AC functioning correctly. It's like a gnat buzzing in my face. :mad:

By the way, he can't take it until next week so I won't have an answer 'til then.
I am curious where you ever able to fix the problem? I am dealing with the same issues for 2007 ford explorer limited v8 4.6

Run a diagnostic
I am curious where you ever able to fix the problem? I am dealing with the same issues for 2007 ford explorer limited v8 4.6
Run this diagnostic test on the system. It will show any codes (if any) of what is wrong with your system
To enter the self-test, press the OFF and DEFROST buttons simultaneously and release, then press the AUTO button within 2 seconds. The display will show a flashing blower icon for 20 seconds, after which all vacuum fluorescent segments will be displayed if there are no on-demand DTCs present. If DTCs are present, the HVAC module - EATC will display "00 00" and then on-demand DTCs. Record all DTCs displayed

Anyone know where the A/C coils are to clean them? Are the buried in the dash? I am no real mechanic, but if its under the dash i can pull it out and clean it. i have the 07 limited with controls in the last picture.



The diagnostic was run and nothing appeared to be wrong. The AC valves and caps have been replaced. In addition, I just completed refilling it with a UV leak detector and I was unable to find any leaks. (But I am not sure if UV Leak Detector refrigerant even works.)

When refilling the refrigerant, I am unable to get the gauge higher than 20 PSI with the compressor on. When the compressor turns off PSI reading is a bit over 40 PSI.

I was also unable to enter the self-test you described me to do.

Do by any chance happen to know if the problem can be caused by dated software?

Let me know if you have any more advice for me.

Thank you.

Run a diagnostic

Run this diagnostic test on the system. It will show any codes (if any) of what is wrong with your system
To enter the self-test, press the OFF and DEFROST buttons simultaneously and release, then press the AUTO button within 2 seconds. The display will show a flashing blower icon for 20 seconds, after which all vacuum fluorescent segments will be displayed if there are no on-demand DTCs present. If DTCs are present, the HVAC module - EATC will display "00 00" and then on-demand DTCs. Record all DTCs displayed


2007 Ford Explorer Limited 4.6 V*8 Dual AC

Update- so today I checked if any Freon had leaked out of AC system (As I wanted to make sure I replaced valves correctly.) Freon was at the same exact level I left at yesterday. I finished adding more Freon as I did not fill it up yesterday. Cool air began coming out of the passengers side and cabin at 74 degrees meanwhile driver-side air was coming out at 82 degrees. After running AC for about 10minutes- the compressor stopped turning on as often. I connected the scanner once more and still no codes. I've checked all fuses and they are all okay. When I attempted to enter the self test by pressing the off and defrost buttons and auto button nothing happens.
Run a diagnostic

Run this diagnostic test on the system. It will show any codes (if any) of what is wrong with your system
To enter the self-test, press the OFF and DEFROST buttons simultaneously and release, then press the AUTO button within 2 seconds. The display will show a flashing blower icon for 20 seconds, after which all vacuum fluorescent segments will be displayed if there are no on-demand DTCs present. If DTCs are present, the HVAC module - EATC will display "00 00" and then on-demand DTCs. Record all DTCs displayed
