2013 Driver Exterior Door Handle Replacement | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Driver Exterior Door Handle Replacement


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July 26, 2015
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2013 Explorer XLT
So, today as I opened the door the handle flew off! I was able to take the two piece assembly and get it to work, but I am fairly certain that the piece with the hole for your key had a small tab break. It seems to me that this piece is what holds the "handle" in the door.

Now, I popped them back in and may try it a while to see what happens, but if cheap enough I would just like to replace them. Where is the best place to order these OEM parts?

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So, today as I opened the door the handle flew off! I was able to take the two piece assembly and get it to work, but I am fairly certain that the piece with the hole for your key had a small tab break. It seems to me that this piece is what holds the "handle" in the door.

Now, I popped them back in and may try it a while to see what happens, but if cheap enough I would just like to replace them. Where is the best place to order these OEM parts?

There is a recall on the handles. Call your dealer and give them your vin to check if you have an outstanding recall or you can PM it to me and I can check. I believe you can even check yourself somewhere on the Ford owner site.

There is a recall on the handles. Call your dealer and give them your vin to check if you have an outstanding recall or you can PM it to me and I can check. I believe you can even check yourself somewhere on the Ford owner site.

Well, I saw something about the recall but didn't necessarily think that it applied to this issue. If I can get it fixed for free at a dealership I might take them up on that but if the part is cheap I'd honestly not mind avoiding even messing with the dealership.

With that being said, I checked "MyFordOwner" and the only recall that seems is outstanding for my vehicle is this:

Field Service Action Number: 12M02

Oh wait...you are talking about the outside door handle correct? My bad if you are. You can go to fordparts.com and enter your vehicle information and search for the part(s) you think you may need. Then you can contact Tasca Parts or Auto Nation parts in Minnesota. They are generally the cheapest on line source.

Oh wait...you are talking about the outside door handle correct? My bad if you are. You can go to fordparts.com and enter your vehicle information and search for the part(s) you think you may need. Then you can contact Tasca Parts or Auto Nation parts in Minnesota. They are generally the cheapest on line source.

Yep. I think this is what I need:


That seems to be what snapped (small tab on that).

That being said, I may or may not also need this:


I hope I can find them cheaper than that.

This is the piece I think has a tab broken.


If it is the piece linked above, it is insane that this piece is $50-$75! It is plastic/chrome and hardly anything. I think if the tab was still on there it would hold everything snug. I don't think I need to do anything about the actual handle, any input anyone?

Oh wait...you are talking about the outside door handle correct? My bad if you are. You can go to fordparts.com and enter your vehicle information and search for the part(s) you think you may need. Then you can contact Tasca Parts or Auto Nation parts in Minnesota. They are generally the cheapest on line source.
I edited the thread title to avoid any future confusion.:)


Perfect! I just got quoted $82 from my local dealer. When I expressed dissatisfaction at the price for that plastic piece he said he could do $76. Haha! I told him I'd try to find a used one.

Local junkyard I checked didn't have any. I plan on checking any junkyards in a 30 minute radius by calling and if that doesn't work, I will probably order from exactly that link you showed me. Thanks again!
