2013 Explorer Sport, replaced left mirror, now has BLIS/CTA fault | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Explorer Sport, replaced left mirror, now has BLIS/CTA fault


Well-Known Member
December 9, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Calgary Alberta
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT, 2013 Sport
So, bought the mirror new from Ford Dealership as per the VIN. everything works, tilt/fold/mud light etc. Easy install of course but I get these faults constantly which keep coming back after hitting OK on the wheel. Does the mirror have to be "Mated" to the car with a scan tool? Or do I have another more expensive problem? TIA.

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More than likely it needs to be calibrated by the dealer.

So, bought the mirror new from Ford Dealership as per the VIN. everything works, tilt/fold/mud light etc. Easy install of course but I get these faults constantly which keep coming back after hitting OK on the wheel. Does the mirror have to be "Mated" to the car with a scan tool? Or do I have another more expensive problem? TIA.
I haven't read where it has to be programmed to the vehicle the way the rearview camera does. I would think any programming required would already be in place. Also, it's interesting you are getting the Cross Traffic Alert warning since the mirror has nothing to do with that.
Just curious as to why the mirror was replaced and if that might have contributed to the issue.


The mirror was destroyed before we bought the car, previous owner's son had contact with another vehicle. You'd think BLIS would have warned him of that.:)

The mirror was destroyed before we bought the car, previous owner's son had contact with another vehicle. You'd think BLIS would have warned him of that.:)
It would have warned him if he was backing up, not if he was going forward.

