2013 Explorer Tailgate Function Button Problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Explorer Tailgate Function Button Problem


New Member
August 3, 2015
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2013 Ford Explorer
I have a 2013 Ford Explorer Limited with the automatic tailgate. Recently the button located lower left of the steering column started to flash as if there was a loose wire or the bulb is about to go out. Just had it checked and I'm being told that there is an issue with the system as it is not registering the tailgate is closed completely and it needs to be replaced at over $200. However nowhere else on the monitoring system is it alerting me that the tailgate is open unless it is actually open. Has anyone else experienced this or is this bogus especially since the warranty just ran out?

You can replace the button yourself for a fraction of that price. They are most likely charging you a 1 hour minimum plus retail price of part.
