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2016 Platinum Late Production?

Ford has really done a poor job with their customer service pertaining to their clients who have bought Platinum Explorers. They need to tell their clients about delays and specifics about the issues. Their customers will appreciate them more and not be as put off about the lack of communication.

I've had a VIN for nearly a month, with no delivery in site. Their customer service screams "I couldn't care less about you". Here's a hint, arm your customer service people with real info to relay to your paying customers, not a bunch of nebulous, ridiculous responses.

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Ford has really done a poor job with their customer service pertaining to their clients who have bought Platinum Explorers. They need to tell their clients about delays and specifics about the issues. Their customers will appreciate them more and not be as put off about the lack of communication.

I've had a VIN for nearly a month, with no delivery in site. Their customer service screams "I couldn't care less about you". Here's a hint, arm your customer service people with real info to relay to your paying customers, not a bunch of nebulous, ridiculous responses.
Welcome to the Forum.:wavey:
This is nothing new. I don't see Ford communicating with each person who has an outstanding order. In fact, I don't believe the assembly plant would even know who has placed an order. All they would know is that a dealership has placed an order for a particular model. What they should do is communicate with the dealers who in turn would know exactly who has orders placed through them.



I've found that Ford does little by way of communicating with the dealers. Mine knows little to nothing. It would be great if specific info would flow. I purchased a domestic, because I liked the technology and packaging in the new Platinum. However, not having a delivery date has really been problematic for me. I know the foreign companies I've dealt with in the past have been waaaay better at communicating. It's sad.


I've found that Ford does little by way of communicating with the dealers. Mine knows little to nothing. It would be great if specific info would flow. I purchased a domestic, because I liked the technology and packaging in the new Platinum. However, not having a delivery date has really been problematic for me. I know the foreign companies I've dealt with in the past have been waaaay better at communicating. It's sad.
Over the past 5 years I've always maintained that communications is definitely one of Ford's weaknesses.


While I agree Ford needs to improve its interaction with buyers who have committed to purchasing their product it's your dealer you should focus your frustration on.

Chicago Assembly Plant isn't in the business of calling up Platinum Owners and updating them on plant issues that pertain to their vehicle.

Your dealer has a responsibility to make some inquiries and find out why your vehicle hasn't been scheduled for a build date. Or its built and got a HOLD status.

I had my vehicle order in the system for almost 3 months before I got a VIN, dealer never told me that they had used up all their "build slots" or allocation that period and my vehicle had to wait.

Maybe that's the issue.

Often it's a parts supplier who can't produce enough of a special part like in the Platinum there were issues with Lear Corp. and the special seats they build specific for the Platinum.

Your dealer can find that stuff out if they really want to.

Thanks Sarge. I was not aware of build slots. My Blue one has been built but is on hold. However Ford finally revealed some sort of 2nd seat release malfunction holding up all Platinums or so I'm told. Either way the communication is really poor throughout the entire process. Other manufacturers are WAY better at communicating and accommodating through their chain of command.

Trust and customer service is worth a lot. I think Ford understands this now which is one of the reasons they have a presence on this board. All they have to do is reach out to the dealerships and to reach out to this forum (and others) and say "this is what is going on". I think people will understand. Some might opt to cancel but might get into a sport or limited, etc. Some might go elsewhere but in the long run it builds trust and loyalty. I hope they let us know what is going on. I don't want to hear rumors. I want to hear from them.

I think this is all pretty typical of auto dealers. I was eyeing the new Honda Pilot before setting my sights on a Platinum Explorer and I can tell you Honda has made their share of mistakes with the Pilot Elite release.

Patsy, you couldn't be more right. Unfortunately, I don't think Ford gets it yet. I don't see any representation or info from Ford on this string. Ford should treat each customer like an adult/person and not a number/child. Be forthcoming with info, as we know mistakes/issues happen. Although it's not always what the client wants to hear, it is the foundation of trust.

Customer service is an old and forgotten concept that accounting driven corporations must bring back in order to generate revenue. People will pay more and remain loyal as long as the product is relevant and customer service remains paramount. Ford has it half figured out with their Platinum model.

I was advised that many (600) of the Platinum models are on 'HOLD' due to an issue with the interior seat surface appearance.

Thanks for the info Peter. I'll see if I can get info from my dealer tomorrow, but I doubt it.

Patsy, you couldn't be more right. Unfortunately, I don't think Ford gets it yet. I don't see any representation or info from Ford on this string. Ford should treat each customer like an adult/person and not a number/child. Be forthcoming with info, as we know mistakes/issues happen. Although it's not always what the client wants to hear, it is the foundation of trust.

Customer service is an old and forgotten concept that accounting driven corporations must bring back in order to generate revenue. People will pay more and remain loyal as long as the product is relevant and customer service remains paramount. Ford has it half figured out with their Platinum model.
I'm not sure that the Ford reps here have any info or dealings with the manufacturing or engineering people. As I have mentioned several times on this Forum, their job is to act as a 'go between' us, the owners, and the Regional Customer Service Managers. They don't even talk to the dealers.
The reps also are not available on weekends.


I agree with you Peter and Onetimer.

The reps here have been great. If they want to get the info, and more importantly if Ford wants them to have it and communicate it, they will. If we can get the info, the reps can as well. It is up to Ford whether it is allowed to be disseminated.

I personally agree with what another person said in this thread, it should come from the dealer. IMO when something like this happens a blast should go out to all the dealers and the dealers should get right on the phone with anyone who has an order.. Explain what is going one. Apologize. Give an ETA. Maybe throw in a "bone". This can actually be "spun" into a good thing because I for one appreciate that Ford is putting things on Hold because they want to "get things right". That's a great sign. They could have just delivered them and dealt with the fallout while they fixed future shipments. The fact that they halted everything means they really want to get things right. The only thing left for them to do IMO is to reach out to the dealers and have them reach out to us.

Quality and Trust.

Your salesman should be doing the legwork on this. It's all part of the process. My salesman has contacted me 4 times this month with updates and my Expedition should be here in a few days. I had originally ordered the Explorer Platinum, but gave up when it seemed like it would be far too much of a wait. Also couldn't get Ebony seats or Sync 3 so that really ended it for me. The Expedition has both Ebony and Sync 3.

My salesman is a mushroom. I'm also really surprised that Ford has not given the Platinum a migration path to Sync 3. I also think Ford should give the customer the option to take delivery depending upon what the issue might be. It gives the local dealer an opportunity for a learning experience. Just level with your customer, that gives them a better chance to plan around possible delays.

I agree with you Peter and Onetimer.

The reps here have been great. If they want to get the info, and more importantly if Ford wants them to have it and communicate it, they will. If we can get the info, the reps can as well. It is up to Ford whether it is allowed to be disseminated.

I personally agree with what another person said in this thread, it should come from the dealer. IMO when something like this happens a blast should go out to all the dealers and the dealers should get right on the phone with anyone who has an order.. Explain what is going one. Apologize. Give an ETA. Maybe throw in a "bone". This can actually be "spun" into a good thing because I for one appreciate that Ford is putting things on Hold because they want to "get things right". That's a great sign. They could have just delivered them and dealt with the fallout while they fixed future shipments. The fact that they halted everything means they really want to get things right. The only thing left for them to do IMO is to reach out to the dealers and have them reach out to us.

Quality and Trust.

The vehicles can't get past Chicago Assembly Plant QC to be released from the plant so sending them to the dealership isn't a possibility. Plus can you imagine the logistics in trying to track down and ensure every delivered Platinum got the issue fixed?

The QC guys randomly pull units from the assembly line, then the vehicle gets a heavy duty review inside and out. If there is an issue they trace back the issue and hold all affected vehicles.

Easier to hold them and complete the issue right at Chicago assembly where all the parts come to anyways.

I guess that makes sense Sgt. It's just been frustrating that no one has any ETA. Do you know what the typical timeframe is for this issue? Have you heard from your contacts? Mine has been sitting at the dock for weeks, and I have a bunch of stuff tied to this delivery.

So, to summarize what we know from this thread, the delay with production and delivery of the 2016 Ford Explorer Platinum is being caused by:

A problem with the Class III trailer-towing package

-- OR --

The appearance of the interior seat surface

-- OR --

Dealership allocation issues

-- OR --

A second-seat release mechanism malfunction

I hope someone from Ford Customer Service can offer some clarification.

Thanks for the summary Exit32. However I would caution that this is what we've heard, not what we know. At this point we really don't know anything. I believe one person in this thread has taken delivery of a Platinum, and we've seen one dealer in Canada with one in stock. Everything else is just rumor and speculation. Sure would be nice if a rep from Ford could give a quick reply about status.

Thanks for the summary Exit32. However I would caution that this is what we've heard, not what we know. At this point we really don't know anything. I believe one person in this thread has taken delivery of a Platinum, and we've seen one dealer in Canada with one in stock. Everything else is just rumor and speculation. Sure would be nice if a rep from Ford could give a quick reply about status.

This is the whole issue in a nutshell. When people know something is wrong, but don't know what, the rumors and speculation start running wild. With the internet and social media, this kind of stuff travels fast.
I think everyone here that works for Ford has gone into hiding and likely won't comment for fear of reprisal.

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Reprisal?? Ford, we are your clients. I might add that we have purchased one of your highest end products. No information, mis-information is not how you take care of your customers. I'm looking at competitive vehicles this week. I might walk away from Ford, as I'm afraid of what I might end up with; a great vehicle from a manufacturer with no value on customer service. I'm afraid of what happens when I do have a problem with the vehicle.
