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2017 Explorer Sport picked up!

  • Audiophille Speaker/AMP is the 500W audio. Same as the Platinum. Congrats on the new vehicle!

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Alright, pretty cool site. I punched in my VIN and it told me everything about my car except the exact stereo it has... :)

  • With Region 1 Electronic Equipment
  • With Satellite Radio Reception
  • Group 1 Radio Frequency
  • Less Rear Seat Entertainment
  • Audio Option Pack 3
  • HD Radio Broadcast
  • Fixed Radio Antenna-Black
  • High Level With CD/MP3/AM/FM Radio
  • ICE Noise Reduction Module
  • Audiophille Speaker/AMP
  • Less Speaker Wiring - 2 Way Radio
  • Less Radio Suppression
  • Microphone
  • Sync III
Nothing specifying whether I have the 380W or 500W version.
I'm guessing then that Audio option Pack 3 is the Sony radio.

Still not convinced. Who can explain this on the model compare?


Window sticker gone?

I have a Limited with the standard Sony setup. Audio Option Pack 3, but I don't have the Audiophile listing that you do.

I believe the Sport in Canada doesn't get it, even though it's an option for the Sport in the US. But the website is ambiguous:

In the model compare (above screenshot in my previous post) shows only platinum comes with the sony with clear phase/live acoustics.

But in each model's individual configuration in the Radio Type box, both Sport and Platinum states it has "500 watts, 12 speakers including a subwoofer, new 14-channel amp. Includes Clear Phase® audio and Live Acoustics™"

When you click on Details at the very top of the options, right above Paint -- you get the standard features for each vehicle.

Explorer Sport Vehicle Details states: "Premium Audio System from Sony® with 12 speakers"

Explorer Platinum Vehicle Details states: "Premium Sony® Audio System with Clear Phase® and Live Acoustics"

So there is a discrepancy. I actually think the error is likely in the Radio Type options box is incorrect for Sport. Or maybe they got everything else wrong and it is actually included. This has become something of a curiosity. Is there any other way to definitively prove which version Sport owners actually have? Say exposing the amp and seeing whether it says 380W or 500W? :)

I wrote to Ford asking for clarification, and pointing out the discrepancy.

So got an answer from Ford. 2017's built on or before August 18th do NOT get the 500 watt stereo. Any after that do. Weird they would make a switch like that mid-stream. Anyways, not a big deal for me. I bought it assuming I didn't have it, and I don't. I don't believe I've ever played the music above volume 12 (which is about half way). 380W is more than I need :)

So got an answer from Ford. 2017's built on or before August 18th do NOT get the 500 watt stereo. Any after that do. Weird they would make a switch like that mid-stream. Anyways, not a big deal for me. I bought it assuming I didn't have it, and I don't. I don't believe I've ever played the music above volume 12 (which is about half way). 380W is more than I need :)
Thanks for checking into this and reporting back. Mid production changes are nothing new. They upgraded the brakes during the 2013 MY production and LED fogs were a 'late edition' on the 2016MY as was the 'Black Ebony Interior' on the 2016 Platinum.


My baby 17 Sport was born last night.....here she sits waiting to go in for the extra QC vibration exam. Hope she doesn't cry too much!


My baby 17 Sport was born last night.....here she sits waiting to go in for the extra QC vibration exam. Hope she doesn't cry too much!
Cool, I see you are also in Vancouver BC? What color did you get?

Cool, I see you are also in Vancouver BC? What color did you get?
Looking at the picture I'm going to go out on a limb and guess Shadow Black.

Now that we have solved that question I have another The cooling seats in a 17 sport do the backs cool as well as the seat base ? ours only cools the seat base not the seat back . I saw a thread on this on the 16s but wonder if the 17s are different

I will report back on that after I drive home from work later today.

Now that we have solved that question I have another The cooling seats in a 17 sport do the backs cool as well as the seat base ? ours only cools the seat base not the seat back . I saw a thread on this on the 16s but wonder if the 17s are different
Unless they changed the 2017 models, the answer is YES. All previous models years had the seat back cooling and heating, for those with the option, although some worked better than others.
There is a TSB for the 2016 models so yours may be having the same issue.


Now that we have solved that question I have another The cooling seats in a 17 sport do the backs cool as well as the seat base ? ours only cools the seat base not the seat back . I saw a thread on this on the 16s but wonder if the 17s are different

They are supposed to be seat bottom and back. The downside is that the seats just have a blower that pushes air through at what ever temperature the air is under your seat. There is no actual "seat cooler" which is kind of a misleading description of the seat. So you need to ice the car down to cold temps and hope under the seat is cool enough.

But usually the floor of the vehicle is warm from exhaust and road heat (in summer) so I don't see this as effective cooling.

They are supposed to be seat bottom and back. The downside is that the seats just have a blower that pushes air through at what ever temperature the air is under your seat. There is no actual "seat cooler" which is kind of a misleading description of the seat. So you need to ice the car down to cold temps and hope under the seat is cool enough.

But usually the floor of the vehicle is warm from exhaust and road heat (in summer) so I don't see this as effective cooling.
That's definitely not true. It's blowing air conditioned air, because it is nice and cool. Now I'll pay attention to this as I'm about to commute home. I wonder how well the cooled seats work if you are blasting heat for example?

That's definitely not true. It's blowing air conditioned air, because it is nice and cool. Now I'll pay attention to this as I'm about to commute home. I wonder how well the cooled seats work if you are blasting heat for example?
I believe Sgt1411 is correct. The "air conditioned air" it is blowing is the air in the cabin. I don't recall seeing any duct work or coils attached to the seats. My vehicle has cooled 2nd row seats and they tumble forward and I've not noticed any 'cold air' connections to them either.


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Well I have just arrived home and tested it every which way. The cool air indeed appears to be air conditioned all the time, regardless of whether you are cranking heat, cold AC, or turning the main AC off entirely. The ambient temperature was 25C/77F. In all cases, the air felt cold and air conditioned. Plus it goes all the way up the seat back to my 6'2" shoulder-blades. Granted it's much weaker in the back relative to the seat.

It is possible it's grabbing outside air and not air conditioning it at all like some say. Would be an interesting test for someone that lives in a hot climate. Putting my hand out the window while driving felt much warmer than putting my hand on the seat.
