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2020 Explorer Limited Hybrid Production

No, but I did get a reasonable price. I wanted a 72-month, 48,000-mile, $0 deductible ESP. I got it from my dealer for $100 less buying directly from Ford. I also was able to pay for it with a credit card I have that gives me 5% back and accumulates for the past 4 years. It can only be used to buy or lease a new vehicle. That coupled with my dealer’s direct discount, Ford's current $3500 incentive in my area and a trade-in at the middle of the high-to-low internet value range for my 2015 Explorer Limited, gave me what I believe was a good bottom dollar cost. I'm certain that there might be other still better bottom lines. But, my 5-month wait is now over.
Thanks peterk9 for the information.:wave:

Not to sidetrack this but want to make sure you are not getting screwed. What did you pay for the ESP? Our forum contact would sell a 6/48k $0 ded for around $725.

Is it really only going to take you 6 yrs to put 48k on it? I'd gamble without the ESP since you get a 5/60k powertrain longer on a hybrid?) You are only talking 12k of zero b2b coverage.

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Hey--I'm totally satisfied with the new ESP. After 9 of my now 12 Fords and dealing with a number of different dealers, I realize that a dealership can make money on an ESP. However, comparing the price I got after a direct from Ford quote, it was OK. My driving habits are around 6000 miles per year. The 2015 I traded only had a 5-year ESP and it ran out on October 1, 2019. That's why I went to the 6-year plan. I normally had traded about every 3 years and got a refund on each ESP from my previous trade-in. The reason for this being a 5-year trade was because I kept waiting for a generational update to the Explorer. This was that kind of year. Thanks blwnsmoke.

FINAL UPDATE -- Closed on the vehicle including Ford extended warranty and got to drive home 10 miles after sunset. Ignorance defines my most of my current knowledge, but it really does have a number of new and interesting Bells & Whistles on board. Zeeb, I hope your weight is a short one until final delivery. :crazy:

As do I, funny thing is that after they missed the 01/28 date, the order tracking I was using is now requiring a password. It had done that for a day or two in the past but I could just click on the "Cancel" button and it would go to the page, no more. So as of yesterday, it was still in Indiana with no new eta"enddate". I can't see the web page anymore and they didn't give my dealer a new date. So it doesn't look very spiffy right now.....

I had the exact same thing happen to me about requiring a password newly being required. Since I had an existing account with Ford, but had not used in in several years, I tried it and it did not like my "last used" password. Then I tried it with "forgot my password" option and it said it sent a link to reset my password to my email address, but I never got it. Tried that many times without success and finally called the 800-392-3673 and spent about 30 minutes with the agent unsuccessfully. That was escalated for me to get a call-back in 1-3 business days. I got that call 4 business days later. They tried the same emailing to me with the reset password that did not work and did not solve the problem. I then created a new ford.shop.com account with an alternate email that I had and was able to get back to tracking. However, several days later when opening that new account, it said I was using an incorrect password. (I always cut & paste both login and password so not to keying wrong.) Finally, I started by going to FORD.SHOP.COM and while open in it, opened another browser to the tracking URL and was able to get to tracking. On some occasions I had to fiddle with an additional login/password screen. Even then sometime in trying that method, I would try several times then when the login/password screen came up showing the login and wanting a password, I just clicked the OK without reentering the password and got to tracking screen. All of this long dissertation is to say -- Ford must have screwed something up. Sorry for the length of this reply but I hope this might help you.

TODAY - 1/27/2020 -- My 2020 Ford Explorer Hybrid 4WD is at the dealers and being preped. I hope everyone that has been on our extended wait is getting theirs today or very very soon.:party:

TODAY - 01-31-2020 -- My 2020 Aviator Grand Touring PHEV is currently being unloaded from the transport at my dealer,,,,, YAY!
It's going to be a week or so before I can go get it as it's going to get paint correction, that clear stick on coating on the front end, ceramic coat the rest with a clear UV blocker tint on the windshield and front side windows.

I appreciate the support of this forum as well as all the pictures and my dealer would like pics of the "tow hook" as well as the air deflector. Does anyone know if the Ford part numbers for those items listed here are the same as they would be for the Lincoln?

One last thing. I had usually been going with Weathertech liners on recent vehicles. But since the 3d versions were not available yet for the 2020 Explorer Limited Hybrid, I found the following on Amazon and ordered them a couple of weeks ago. Husky Liners 99321 Weatherbeater Front & 2nd Seat Floor Mats Fits 2020 Ford Explorer. They did fit. So if anyone didn't want to wait, here is a option.

One last thing. I had usually been going with Weathertech liners on recent vehicles. But since the 3d versions were not available yet for the 2020 Explorer Limited Hybrid, I found the following on Amazon and ordered them a couple of weeks ago. Husky Liners 99321 Weatherbeater Front & 2nd Seat Floor Mats Fits 2020 Ford Explorer. They did fit. So if anyone didn't want to wait, here is a option.

I'd highly recommend the Xact Contour mats and not the weatherbeaters.

Husky liners now available

One last thing. I had usually been going with Weathertech liners on recent vehicles. But since the 3d versions were not available yet for the 2020 Explorer Limited Hybrid, I found the following on Amazon and ordered them a couple of weeks ago. Husky Liners 99321 Weatherbeater Front & 2nd Seat Floor Mats Fits 2020 Ford Explorer. They did fit. So if anyone didn't want to wait, here is a option.
Front and middle row mats were always shown as available for the Aviator on WeatherTech's website, they just wanted to know which seats you had in the middle row, mine's got the bench and those were delivered to the dealer a couple of weeks ago. WeatherTech's website had never shown a second row back cargo mat for any of the Aviators and there were not two versions, a regular one and a Hybrid, shown for the Aviator. Full second row back cargo mats for the Aviator showed up on the website recently and I have one ordered. It's going to the dealer in Colorado.

I've always used and promoted the Husky liners used in my previous vehicles but the Aviator came with the OEM 1st and 2nd row liners and I couldn't be happier with them. Excellent fit and coverage.

