2023 Timberline Ordered and Scheduled | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2023 Timberline Ordered and Scheduled


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January 11, 2003
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Fort Mill, SC
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2023 Timberline w/TechPak
I was trying to decide between a Timberline and a Hybrid Limited. The order banks for 2023 Hybrid Explorers were closed so I ordered a 2023 Timberline with sunroof and TechPack on June 26, 2023. It had a priority of 19 which is the highest number (but lowest scheduling priority) for a retail order. BTW - Retail orders (placed by a customer) have a priority of 10-19 with 10 being highest priority. My dealer said they had allocations but I was beginning to wonder since it was assigned the lowest scheduling priority possible for such orders. But, it was scheduled today (July 13, 2023) for production during the week of September 11th.

I'll keep you posted.

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I'm guessing that you are aware of the 360 rearview camera recall that has resulted in a stop ship/sale order. My 2023 Aviator ordered on Oct. 31st is one of over 22,000 vehicles sitting around awaiting the 'fix' which has apparently been identified as a hardware issue and which requires all those cameras to be replaced. I was told sometime in September.


Thanks Peterk9, I'm not going to fret about it. My 2014 is still running like a top.

That's odd, though, because Ford updated my order just yesterday moving the "week of" from September 11th to September 6th.

Thanks Peterk9, I'm not going to fret about it. My 2014 is still running like a top.

That's odd, though, because Ford updated my order just yesterday moving the "week of" from September 11th to September 6th.
It could sit "In Production" for a while. The tracker shows mine having been in that state since April 3rd. The strange thing is other than the recall notice which was sent out, Ford has been very quiet on the issue.


Status updated on 8/30. Shows "In Production" and a window sticker is created. The window sticker shows a $500 credit for the 360 degree camera. I don't know what I'll get. I hope the front camera is still there and working. The 360 degree camera was one of the features I was most looking forward to using.

Status updated on 8/30. Shows "In Production" and a window sticker is created. The window sticker shows a $500 credit for the 360 degree camera. I don't know what I'll get. I hope the front camera is still there and working. The 360 degree camera was one of the features I was most looking forward to using.
Mine Aviator has shown "In Production" since April 3rd.:)
Since 2018 a rear camera has been required by law. Ford is currently installing new cameras and associated software in over 5000 Aviators sitting on lots in Chicago at the rate of 800 per week. I'd be very surprised if your Explorer doesn't receive one.


Status changed to Built on 9/13...disappointed that the 360 camera was removed but hoping that it still has the front facing camera - what I really needed anyway.

I'm guessing that you are aware of the 360 rearview camera recall that has resulted in a stop ship/sale order. My 2023 Aviator ordered on Oct. 31st is one of over 22,000 vehicles sitting around awaiting the 'fix' which has apparently been identified as a hardware issue and which requires all those cameras to be replaced. I was told sometime in September.

Mine finally shipped on Sept. 12th after showing as "Built" on Aug. 31st. ETA is Sept. 27th.


The Timberline minus the 360-degree camera showed up at the Dealer on September 29 but I was on vacation so I didn't take delivery until October 4th but I got it.

The Timberline minus the 360-degree camera showed up at the Dealer on September 29 but I was on vacation so I didn't take delivery until October 4th but I got it.
Congratulations. I wonder why they are shipping the Explorers, or at least some of them, without the 360-degree view camera. I haven't heard or read about the same thing happening on the Aviators.


Congratulations. I wonder why they are shipping the Explorers, or at least some of them, without the 360-degree view camera. I haven't heard or read about the same thing happening on the Aviators.


IDK - the front camera is there in the grill and it's wired into something but I can't get that view up on the screen. The cameras under the side mirrors are not there, though.
