267,345 miles and still goin | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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267,345 miles and still goin


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March 9, 2011
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2003 ford explorer xlt
wats up fellas i need some help, i replaced all rotors and brakes and rear ceased brake calipers on my 2003 ford explorer xlt 4.0l . (now my problem is i still hear grinding frm rear i dnt kno what it could be emrgency brake dsnt work would it be stock . but the grinding noise is kill me )also i replaced trany and transfercase. i have hub and bearings set but not installed dont kno if dat is wat it can be. i dont trust the shop any more hav to do it my self.1 more thing i replaced cats and manifold but still hear radling wen i start engine read on here that could be timeing chane so any info wood help thnks guys.

i forgot i paid $1,500 at auction for this explorer so anthing you guys think i should replace ?

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The grinding from the rear could be your differential. Drain it and put new fluid in it (Limited Slip requires 75W-140 with friction modifier, if you have an LS rear end)

thats your rear end differential, i had the same problem and i drained my oil and refilled it and it was still grinding, so then i got a new rear end...

The grinding from the rear could be your differential. Drain it and put new fluid in it (Limited Slip requires 75W-140 with friction modifier, if you have an LS rear end)

How do you tell if you have an LS rear end?

Also, I was looking at the Mobile 1 75W~140 and it says LS on the bottle. Does that have anything to do with anything?

Was going to do my rear end this weekend.

thats your rear end differential, i had the same problem and i drained my oil and refilled it and it was still grinding, so then i got a new rear end...

thnks guys now ill try draining it if dsnt work were could i find new differential?:salute:

wats up fellas i need some help, i replaced all rotors and brakes and rear ceased brake calipers on my 2003 ford explorer xlt 4.0l . (now my problem is i still hear grinding frm rear i dnt kno what it could be emrgency brake dsnt work would it be stock . but the grinding noise is kill me )also i replaced trany and transfercase. i have hub and bearings set but not installed dont kno if dat is wat it can be. i dont trust the shop any more hav to do it my self.1 more thing i replaced cats and manifold but still hear radling wen i start engine read on here that could be timeing chane so any info wood help thnks guys.

i forgot i paid $1,500 at auction for this explorer so anthing you guys think i should replace ?

It could be one of your back wheel bearings. Jack up the rear end and if the wheel is loose then its the wheel bearing. If thats whats wrong with it and you continue driving you will ruin your axle. I would hear mine grind when i was going around curves when it went out.
