2wd TT lift question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2wd TT lift question


August 24, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Hartselle, AL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'86 B2
I have a 2001 Sport 2wd.

I've searched around and I've read that 2" is the recommended max lift on a 4wd TT lift because of CV bind. How much can you TT lift a 2wd before it is max'ed out or you run into other limitations?


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Limitations for 2WD will probably be the Ball Joints on tie rod ends. Though, I'm not sure you'll be able to reach their limits with the stock torsion screws (not sure they're long enough to raise it up thaat high).

Someone will probably chime in with a better answer, till then, free bump!

Not only should you be concerned with limitations, but also ride quality. The more you TT your bars, the more of a harsh ride it is. I mean harsh too.

when i did my tt i just maxed out my torsion bolts, then a few months later had to replace the ball joints but thats because the ball joints didnt even look like they've been replaced. so yeah your ball joints could be an issue but get moogs and you'll be fine.

Shooter, how much lift did you have after you max'ed your bolt travel? I'm probably only going to lift about 2" but I'm curious if anyone has lifted to the limit and what it is. Thanks.

I was only able to get just over an 1" on mine but I dont think I would want to go anymore, height wise anyways.

The first couple days I wasn't crazy about the harsh ride but I actually like it more now, gives you a better feel for everything, maybe its just me though but I love it now.

id say 1.75 to 2 inches. with them cranked it sits level or just a hair higher than the back.
