3.73 rearend? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3.73 rearend?

Originally posted by cnapierala
Can someone tell me what it is like with 3.73 or 4.10 gears, in a 5 speed (93) sport or similar with 32" or 33" tires? I am interested to know how it is on the highway as well as off road. Is 80 mph managable with this type of setup or are you at a really high rpm.


My '94 Sport (Mazda 5sp) has LS3.73s with 235/75 15s & cruises @ 80 just fine. Mileage in my 3 state daily commute (MD-DC-VA (OK I know DC isn't a state but I do cross 2 state lines) is between 18-20 mpg.

With those tall 32-33s and 3.73s your acceleration will suffer & so will your around town mileage. On the highway? depends on the width & tread type. They'll possibly create a bit more aerodynamic drag and maybe sing or rumble you deaf. How far do you need to go at highway speeds? Also, with the lift comes a higher center of gravity...have to be careful on the off camber exit ramps...:eek:

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I have a 98 sport sohc with 4.10 open, and i love it. My buddy has a 96 zr-2 with 3.73 locked and he cant touch me on the trails. Then again thats chevy for ya.:p

Originally posted by dbarale
Shout, I have 3.55. I was planning on running 31's but I may be too low...
Does anybody run 31's on 3.55? Is it bearable or really crappy? I have a 5speed tranny.

my 92 has a 5-speed 3.73's and 31"s i run about 2100 rpm at my non corrected 60mph. i also get about 18-20 mpg

sucks for me too, 3.73 LS.

Originally posted by expo5.0
sucks for me too, 3.73 LS.
Why?? you have a v8 that should be plenty of gear, and for those wondering 32's on 3.73 are definitly bearable, but the 35's right now are starting to beg for the 4.56's but are still holding their own.

just joking, especially when i get my new 26.5" diameter tires, it should really fly.

hey were do you find the code for your axle? i have no clue were to look, is it on the axle itself, i also heard you can find it out on some sticker on the door or something...help me out here??:banghead:

just open your drivers door. there should be a sticker there with the codes.

I'm running 4:10s with 33s. Its still good on the hwy, but I would like lower on the trail. 80mph is not a problem, but with a 6" lift it can be a little scarry sometimes. At that speed the mileage sucks, the best I got was about 12 mph! Of course the truck is as airodymanic as a brick.

Oh yea, 5 sp.
