95 Explorer VS. 03 Ranger FX4 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95 Explorer VS. 03 Ranger FX4

well, I took our stock 5.0 Mounty to the track to watch the races but ended up running her againa few weeks ago. I ran a 16.2** at 85.***mph, don't remember my 1/8 but my RT was .58* and 60' was a 2.5** don't remember all the specifics but...

your buddy's time of 16.4 is about right, most 5.0's run about 16.2 - 16.4, but I don't know why his mph is so low as his other times are about right. Just about ever 5.0 Explorer I've seen run traps around 83mph at least. I braked torqued it and took off hard which is why I ended up with a good mph trap speed.

The 02's haul, my neighbors stock 02' 4.6 Explorer w/ 3.73 gears and 2wd ran a 15.7 at about 88mph his 1st time out. The 4.6 pull like hell with the 5 speed auto, perfect combo.

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i will blow that rangers doors off the hinges in about a month. hehe.

Originally posted by SaleenEXP
. . . your buddy's time of 16.4 is about right, most 5.0's run about 16.2 - 16.4, but I don't know why his mph is so low as his other times are about right.. . .

Uhmm, the 16.374 was my '97 4.4 SOHC, the 16.983 was my co-workers '98 AWD V8.

Originally posted by Robert
Uhmm, the 16.374 was my '97 4.4 SOHC, the 16.983 was my co-workers '98 AWD V8.
my bad, meant to type 16.9 but put your's for some reason:confused: , thats even worse, thats pretty slow for a 5.0, did he give it gas off the line:D
The mph are really low. Should have been at least 83mph, was that his 1st time there?
I wouldn't think AWD would suck that much power away....

Yes, that was his first time there and yes he was giving it gas off the start. It is actually pretty close to the other AWD V8 times I have seen. One thing to remember is that by default the AWD only puts 65% torque to the rear wheels unless they slip. That means the maximum torque you will get to either axle is 65% unless they slip (in which case even less will go to the rear axle). Part of his disadvantage was also due to the fact that he probably weighs 350-400 lbs. That and the extra 200 lbs. from his transfer case and I'm not surprised to see it run .7 behind a 2WD V8 with probably a lighter driver.

Basically on that run we took off pretty even. i could see him fading from my side window as we were going down the track until there was a point I didn't see him in my window anymore. By the end of the 1/4 he was about 6 or 7 car lenghts back.

Originally posted by Robert
Yes, that was his first time there and yes he was giving it gas off the start. It is actually pretty close to the other AWD V8 times I have seen. One thing to remember is that by default the AWD only puts 65% torque to the rear wheels unless they slip. That means the maximum torque you will get to either axle is 65% unless they slip (in which case even less will go to the rear axle). Part of his disadvantage was also due to the fact that he probably weighs 350-400 lbs. That and the extra 200 lbs. from his transfer case and I'm not surprised to see it run .7 behind a 2WD V8 with probably a lighter driver.

Basically on that run we took off pretty even. i could see him fading from my side window as we were going down the track until there was a point I didn't see him in my window anymore. By the end of the 1/4 he was about 6 or 7 car lenghts back.
yeh I guess that is tue, never realized the AWD were that much heavier, and the sohc V6 does pull well in the high rpms. Oh yeh, and his body weight added to that so, I can definitley see an AWD running that slow.
