31" BFG A/T K/O Tires on stock wheels? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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31" BFG A/T K/O Tires on stock wheels?

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Most definiately, it isn't an issue at all.

can you fit it if you do a TT and shackles?

Yup. Works fine. A lot of us have that setup.

I don't even have the lift and the BFG AT/KO's work fine. The only time the tires rubbed was on very tough rocky climb. The road was very uneven and washed out and we had to go up over a large boulder causing us to lean heavely to the left. When I got home there was only one place you could see where the tires had rubbed, and that was inside the left rear wheel well against the body, unfortunatley rubbing off the under coating so you can see bare metal.

sweet. my next tire size will be a 31 then. w/ the TT and shackles that'll look even more beatly! glad to here the'll work!
