32" tires and 3.73 gears | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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32" tires and 3.73 gears

I have a 4" suspension lift and run 32x10.5x15 TSL Swampers on mine. Heres the pic.............

The only rubbing I have is under severe flex(back tires) and a little on the fancy fairing(front). I also have the 3:73 and it handles the tire size well(Im used to a V-8 Ranger, which is no comparison).The wifes bone stock 94 limited does just a little better than my XLT(MPG, MPH,ETC....):thumbsup:

Lookin' good.....Where did you get that light bar by the way?

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Thanks for the link Bro. I am leaning towards the rotatable one sence I do drive unter branches a lot but I might just have to get the $100 bar. Do you remember if it came with the lights? or do you have to buy them seperate? If so then that is still not a bad deal.:salute: :D I have been wanting a light bar for a while. It was either get a rom basket and bolt them on there or get a tight bar and the basket for just the spare once I get one that is too big for the underside.

We could buy nice short Light High Def widescreen and maybe they would not be knocked off all the time. I try but, there are just too many Low limbs on our trails..

put lights on the cowl like the jeeps have.

It doesn't come with lights. The lights on mine are just 19.00 Walmarts(hey they work) the lights on the front bumper are the good KC's though..........
