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33 in BFG's question

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figured i would need a lift ima do the tt with aal and shackles. but this is the wheels and tires section? lol

my bad, i shouldve elaborated, what i meant is that there are stickies in the wheel section that have the exact info and even charts and diagrams that may answer your questions.

With tt/shackles and brand new 33's they "should" fit but will require some trimming so it doesn't rub so much at full lock turning.

thats a steal for those tires! you need to look into that asap. just remember though, those tires fit 15", so if you are on your stock wheels, you are most likely 16". you will need to get a set of 15" wheels, which are actually pretty cheap. and im not sure but just make sure that the brake rotors on your X will celar 15" wheels.

thats a steal for those tires! you need to look into that asap. just remember though, those tires fit 15", so if you are on your stock wheels, you are most likely 16". you will need to get a set of 15" wheels, which are actually pretty cheap. and im not sure but just make sure that the brake rotors on your X will celar 15" wheels.

i thought it was a good deal lol. and how would i check the brake rotors?

15 inch rims fit, no issues with rotors, they were offered stock. That is a really good price. With some trimming you may squeak them in there with the TT. I had minor trimming on the plastic fender flares with 265/75/16 (32x10.50)

i mean still gotta lift and all but i think i shod get em b4 the deal is gone lol

someone just bought em before i was gna :'(
