3rd gear gone in manual 5 speed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3rd gear gone in manual 5 speed


Well-Known Member
July 29, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Odessa, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT Sport, 5 Spd
We have a 1994 model with the Mazda 5 speed manual tranny in it. 4X2
The daughter was driving it when she reported a "clicking sound" coing from only 3rd gear. I thouht it was a U-joint by her description but later she called to report that 3rd gear is VERY jerky with lots of noise :(

The good news is that it is full of oil, not burned up, just some broken parts.

I have the CD repair manual which shows a complete rebuild proceedure.
I feel like I am capable of this task but am wondering if I must have all the "special" tools they list. Or can I get-R-done with normal tools ?

Has anyone rebuilt theirs already ? I'd like to have your input before I get started on this job.

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The special tools are highly recommended for rebuilding a tranny. There are certain things that you can do with normal tools, but there are others that you will not be able to do with anything but the special tools. I have never rebuilt one myself, but know first hand that you will need those tools. And it could be helpful to others if you take LOTS of pictures while you're doing it. Then write a full write-up, or if you want, just a writeup detailing any problematic areas.
PS. if you do end up doing it yourself, make sure you take your time and do it write the first time, you will regret it if you don't.

Good luck.

You may need more than a standard rebuild kit (bearings and syncronicers). When my 91 had a problem with 3rd gear, the problem turned out to be out of round sycronicers and a crack in the 3rd gear around the shaft opening. It was very small crack hard to see, but the gear and sycronicers on each side had to be replaced. It was like $125 for the gear.

In one of the Ford Magazines last month there was an article on rebuilding the M5OD.....was interesting to read.


Spdrcer34, can you help me out with a few more details about which magazine and which month it was ? I can use all the help I can get LOL

I honestly don't remember which one.....they talked about them being installed in the F-150's......and I wanna say it was a Ford Truck Magazine....check the website of some of the mags, and see if they have any listings.

Am I the ONLY one that saw that?

