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Both look awesome and that's one hell of a load you've got there, wicked.

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I like the doors. How much did that run for? I thought about Lambo doors and suicides. I need help deciding on an upgrade got so much I want to do just don't know which to go first. Any opinions? K&N Intake, Exhaust System, 265/70/16 AT Tires, 2 12" Sub system, or Halo Head lights I'm torn between any of those choices atm. I want a lift but I want to go bigger tires before that.

Look's great! A 1.5" body lift would be easy to install on your X.

Thanks man,

I know it needs a shower too :D but since I painted the trims and wheels by myself last week, I don't want to ruin my first work where I spent almost 24hrs...

I saw the 1.5" body lift where you can spend no more than $50 bucks but I don't want my tires look smaller than now due to the lift, what you think?

It would look perfect with those tyres I reckon. The 3" lift would make 'em look small but you'd be bang on with the 1.5.:thumbsup:

Great! thanks for the advice, I'll start looking on that thread to do it myself... I have only 8 months with the car and I'm starting to like being involved with all the mods...

My next step will be the roof basket and some lights on the roof, I like the off-road look and definitely will keep doing mods...

She's ready for the summer!


Yee haa:thumbsup:

Fofopirata, I've got a 1.5 inch bodylift on my truck with stock tires size, hit me up via private message if you have any questions or run into any problems with lifting your ex

Thanks K, I appreciate it! As soon as I get all the pieces needed, I'll shoot you a pm...

I was looking at the thread and it looks like most of it comes from the RB lift, so I might going to need some assistance handling the mod...

Thanks again!

I like the doors. How much did that run for? I thought about Lambo doors and suicides. I need help deciding on an upgrade got so much I want to do just don't know which to go first. Any opinions? K&N Intake, Exhaust System, 265/70/16 AT Tires, 2 12" Sub system, or Halo Head lights I'm torn between any of those choices atm. I want a lift but I want to go bigger tires before that.

Depends on your budget and how much you want to spend.

If you want to start with performance go with the KN and then eventually upgrade the exhaust.

Also you can always buy a set of HIDs for your low beams, a reliable but inexpensive kit could be had at ddm tuning for under 60 dollars with shipping.

Fofo, the 1.5 body lift is as easy as lifting the body, slapping the spacers in, then reinstalling the body mounts with new, longer bolts. no need to lift the front or rear bumper or extend the steering shaft. Make sure you disconnect the steering shaft before anything. Remove the lower part of the fan shroud and youll need to do some trimming underneath the rear bumper then your done

Thanks man, I might be doing it on June after I comeback from another Off Road SCORE race "Baja 500" now in Ensenada Mx. Also, that might be my present for father's day with a roof basket... :D

I was looking at the thread
and it looks like I only need to locate the 5 body mount and replace them with the new spacers as you mentioned. It doesn't sound that hard, even for me that I'm not a mechanic guy , but I would love to be one.

If I decide to do it before June, I'll contact you with any questions too...

It's 10 body mounts, but all you do is buy 5 3" lift blocks and cut them in half.

Easy to see where most of them are, but for the front and rear most ones you need to take off the bumper covers to get to them.

Just use the steps found in the link of that thread you just posted and that will walk you though it. not too complicated, just takes time.

Thanks Ronin, I saw your link about buying the body blocks on amazon and just get the larger bolts as well. It looks pretty easy and I will definitely do it within the next month. Of course, I will upload pictures after doing it...


Installed my new Pioneer deck today...


Very, very nice!!!!

wookie, what model is that?

Got my 3in lift on heres a pic of my joyfullness

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