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yea they are i bought them from a friend for my old ford ranger and when he had them he broke one of the gaurds off and another i broke off lol so i took the other 2 off and im gonna buy some new ones :) ty guys for ur opinions

what is a good site or place to get lift kits?

im not even sure. have never done one, my father in law has tho and hed know how to install them but other than that i dont know the dif or witch is even better if one is better than the other

damn u triton :( i had a radio just like urs and i sold it. regret it i miss the thing lol nice ride btw just checked out ur registry thing
o btw whered u get ur headlights?

im not even sure. have never done one, my father in law has tho and hed know how to install them but other than that i dont know the dif or witch is even better if one is better than the other

The body lift is going to do what it sounds like, lift the body off the frame which won't do anything for ground clearance really.

The body lift will be a good option if you really want to lift the truck just for looks as there will be no Ill effects from doing it as opposed to the spacer lift which will raise your suspension but will cause more stress on your components.

damn u triton :( i had a radio just like urs and i sold it. regret it i miss the thing lol nice ride btw just checked out ur registry thing ?

I do like it, I still frequently use the am/fm and it is a pain sometimes to have to look to switch stations lol

o btw whered u get ur headlights?

Not sure what you mean? The headlights are stock.

Or are you referring to the bulbs?

or yea the bulbs lol didnt really think when i asked the question :/

how much do both the lits usually run? what would be a good place or site to buy them? i do like the spacers cus i def could use the clearance but not sure yet lol

or yea the bulbs lol didnt really think when i asked the question :/

how much do both the lits usually run? what would be a good place or site to buy them? i do like the spacers cus i def could use the clearance but not sure yet lol

Bulb's are made by luminitics. They are nothing special, so do a little of your own shopping as there are many more options. I went with a 6000K but I'd suggest going up to an 8000K

Found some recent pictures and thought I would post them up!




It's crazy looking back and seeing how much my Explorer has changed from the first day I bought it..


Here is my 2002 Ford Explorer XLT. Sorry ahead of time if the pictures don't work as I am new to the forum.





Thanks, I plan to do some more mods in the future, but this is all I have for now. I'm thinking of painting the trim as it is starting to fade pretty badly. These pictures are taken after it has been washed and Eagle One Trim Restorer has been applied to it, that's why it doesn't look too bad.

just dropped my struts off to a local fab shop and they are making my spacer lift and a set for a buddy.....100.00 per truck!!!! damn good deal!!!! should be getting them back on tuesday

Few pics of the lights on the ex not wired up yet but there on :) idk if i like them as much i def need to get covers or something



Few pics of the lights on the ex not wired up yet but there on :) idk if i like them as much i def need to get covers or something

I have never been a fan of lights without guards or covers but surprisingly enough they don't look too bad.

If you get covers, please don't get smiley faced ones....they're just tacky as $h!t lol

Few pics of the lights on the ex not wired up yet but there on :) idk if i like them as much i def need to get covers or something

They look pretty good. If those are hella 500s I have covers I don't need. Let me know if you want them

yea i hear u there lol i was thinking of getting ones like Hbrichman's i like those lol gotta find some soon tho and ty :) got many more mods to come just need time to get to em

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therover1991 do u have any pics of them and what size lights did they come off of ill see if they fit if so im def interested lol
