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Photos 3rd gen pic's

Look what I did!





I got it reseated, but it's leaking air from the rim at one or two spots. Running a baby spare until tomorrow when I can get it to the shop.

And holy sh*t the track is fun!

EDIT: After kicking it and filling it with air a few times, the leak is gone. Best I can figure the rim was just dirty and it kind of worked itself clean. Videos soon!

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Looks good! Where did you get those center caps?

Center caps I got from Ebay, from a 2002 Ranger I believe. Turned out well after some trial and error with other factory Ranger and Explorer caps that I painted. I like these best!

Steve, I'm not missing the step bars that much but my wife and everybody else who has to step up in the rig now really do!


Can you find me??

Ronin8002 said:
What psi were you running when it happened?

I aired down to 40-45 to go on the track. The good news is I got 3ft of air before it happened :D

All fixed now though!

I aired down to 40-45 to go on the track. The good news is I got 3ft of air before it happened :D

All fixed now though!

Wow you popped a bead at 40-45 psi! Must have been the 3 ft jump :D

I run mine at 40 psi all the time except offroading I'll sometimes go down to 30-35.

Ronin8002 said:
Wow you popped a bead at 40-45 psi! Must have been the 3 ft jump :D

I run mine at 40 psi all the time except offroading I'll sometimes go down to 30-35.

I had been beating it pretty hard for a while so I'm sure I lost a little more. I was probably around 35... Treadwright told me to run at 50 so that's where I'm usually at...

updated better pics of the halos






Last pics of my third gen and a pic with my new 2001.

looks like a good buy did you get to keep your wheels and just transfer them to the new x

So far I've switched the stock rims to 20's and installed a DD touchscreen. Soon to come is BTF lift and new tires...



I need to get some more pictures.

looks like a good buy did you get to keep your wheels and just transfer them to the new x

I didn't really want the 17's on this Explorer. 31's on 17's were expensive as can be. I like these stock rims on the 2nd gen and I kind of want a stock explorer look.

Installed my CB and Antenna today.


I hope that isn't a permanent spot for the CB lol

It is. I got a mount I built for it underneath the CB. I drilled 2 holes for all the wires to go thru the console.

rangermidtn said:
It is. I got a mount I built for it underneath the CB. I drilled 2 holes for all the wires to go thru the console.

As long as it works for you. For me that would be legit in the way.

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Here's mine. Pretty much stock except for the entertainment system, new speakers, chrome door handles, and that's about it. 41K Miles, and the ride is extremely smooth. This is my baby and I take great care of it! The paint literally looks brand new, and the pictures here dont do it any justice. Compared to my girlfriend's Lexus GX470, people think my explorer looks expensive lol





