4:00 AM delima | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4:00 AM delima


Elite Explorer
April 30, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Otto, Missouri
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 Escape Limited3.0awd
What goes on at 4:00 am that make this site not viewable? My computers fine but will not access this site for about an hour. Also I just wanted to see my Name in RED awesome. I wanted to test posting a pic also. Finally got rid of that wanna-be


  • explorer forum test 015.jpg
    explorer forum test 015.jpg
    145.4 KB · Views: 107

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Just scheduled back ups of the site. And another one upgrades:D

Hamster needs a water break sometime, man. You try running the wheel for that long.

Actual server as seen in T.D.'s attic:


  • hamster.jpg
    59.4 KB · Views: 93

Jeff - :navajo:

Now thats too funny!!!! :D

nice x benji

Yep, I've noticed that 4 am thing before. Usually it is out for about 20 minutes. Technically, it is at 2am, but you are in a different time zone than the server.:D

Usually, when the site goes out for me, it is a sign telling me it is time for sleep.

Congratulations Benji-Man Elite!

Charlie, did you get the Mounty?

No, it ended up being sold a day or two before I went down to get it.:(

I am still looking, but for now I think I am just going to sit as long as mine is running without problems. I am assuming it will fail summer-ish, so I am waiting until then.
