4-5.5inches of lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4-5.5inches of lift

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3 inch body lift and a 2 inch suspension lift with either new front coils, coil spacers, add-a-leaf in the rear, and/or extended shackles in the rear

or you could do an SOA - spring over axle - in the rear and new 5.5 inch coils with new pitman arm and radius arms

I have a PA 3" lift already. That was loads of fun. I just called Natltire.com for the springs and the guy said I would need this and that..."a kit" for $512. I was hoping I could do it for a lot less.
Drop pitman arm-
brake lines?
Why do I need extended radius arms?
Can I use my Rancho RSX shocks?

Your also going to need axle pivot drop down brackets for the front. Probably new extended brake lines. But only if you do the SOA in the rear will you need the drop down brackets and brake lines. The best way to lift it 5 inches is the 3" body lift and then shackles for the rear and coil spring spacers for the front to give you 2 inches, thus giving you 5 total inches.

extended arms will correct the camber after a lift, and they are the only saving graces whaen it comes to flexing out a TTB truck. You also need the TTB drop brackets, they come with the lift kit, which ussually includes the TTB brackets, springs, radius arm cross member drop bracket (junk as far as I'm concerned) your drop Pitman and blocks for the rear. Don't forget that you will also need extended brakelines, shocks, and I'd think about upgrading the steering while your at it. I think there is more to it, but not sure off the top of my head. 512 is not a bad deal if it includes all that you need

Thanks for the tips!

I think im going to get the 6" skyjacker class II. How much do those cool looking fox shox go for? If I have to ask ...prolly cant afford it right. LOL

Instead of doing the drop down brackets. Look to see if anyone can cut and turn your beams. That is stronger then the drop down brackets and also better on the frame.

ok, Ill ask around and see if someone can turn and twist my beam. Ill prolly end up with a hooker though. :p
