4.88 r&p Availability | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.88 r&p Availability


Well-Known Member
August 13, 2004
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1993 XLT
I was wondering if anybody knows if 4.88 gears are available for a front 1st GEN D35. If so where can I get them. Also are they available for the 8.8" rear on the 1st gen?


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Sorry, NOT available for the front. :(

5:12 is ;)


Where is the best and preferably cheapest place to pick em' up?

dman726749 said:
nope you need reverse rotation d35 gears ;)
Well, it does say its for a high pinion D35, which would be right. . .and for the price :eek: it sounds right. My question is where else is a HP D35 used that they designed these gears for?

$369?!?!?! :eek: Holy Crap! I wouldn't pay half that for a r&p set!

For whatever reason, those gears are listed at 4.88, but the model # is YUK:YGM35R-513R. This is interpreted as Yukon Gear Model 35 Reverse-5.13 Reverse.

moral is:

you can get them, but they are definatly not cheap...

No, the moral is, that is a mis-print on that website. :D

From a quick Google search, A yukon model number of M35R-488R doesn't exist, and this is directly from their master catalog:


  • yukon gears.jpg
    yukon gears.jpg
    16.5 KB · Views: 123


I Just Want Some Gears My Crap Is Week!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, the moral is, that is a mis-print on that website.

haha intresting that they have the 4.56 and not the 4.88... im pretty sure there might be another company that has the 4.88

but whatever, i run 4.56 and im happy... 4.88 might be overkill if you are running anything smaller then 33"


I am running 33" tsl's just want it to be as nasty as possible. I have a Dana 44 for the front SAS but am gonna wheel what I got for a while.
