4x4 issues!?!? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4x4 issues!?!?


Well-Known Member
October 1, 2006
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City, State
Arizona and Colorado
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT 4dr
I have a 1993 X and since I've had it the four-wheel drive makes some strange noises. When engaged, usally the front drivers side makes a klunking noise. some times it comes from both sides!! I have changed the U-joints and have got new Warn manu hubs but the noise is still there. Any ideas???

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radius arm bushings
ball joints

I'd guess balljoints.

neither of those should make any difference when its in 4wd, if thats the only time you hear this. If youve changed all 3 u joints and the driveshaft u joint then id look at the gear setup itself.

I just put in new radius are bushings. the gears will have to be my next adventure
thanks for the help, if there is any other things it could be let me know.

hey just curious if you have figured out your problem becuase i have brand new warn hubs, and before i do all the trouble of balljoints and u joints i would like to know what you came up with thanks alot

i got more of a whining noise..and a popping out of my hubgs..im thinkin its not engagin fully..and warn manus will help..am i wauy off..befor i buy them? wut should i do

i heard that the dana 35 had a bad problem with the spindle nut coming lose when wheeling. Warn used to make a kit that fixed the problem with a lock key but they discontinued it, not sure why. Anyone remember this kit? or have one?

I still have the problem, I almost think its one of the inner U joints. the sound is only on the driver side axle. I will check it out

Yea my drivers side hub pops and crack when wheeling, stupid vacuum hubs. But the SAS is coming soon so I might not out too much money into it.

ok well i checked and i have the nut that your talking about for the warn manual hubs, theres a shop here in fort collins taht can still get them somehow, and i got closer to looking and mine was doing the same thing and what happened was taht a cap off the joint fell of and it was tearing up my short shaft so now i need a new one of those but maybe its somehting you can lookinto
