4x4 Module | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4x4 Module


October 23, 2008
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2001 Sport

Does anyone know the part # for a 2001 Ford Explorer Sport 4x4 module? I think its located behind the glove box.


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1L5Z-7E53-AC the new part will have -AE at the end, @ ford it cost $176~chad551

I just got the new module today, i put it in and the only thing that happens is a clicking noise. I checked all the fuses and they seem fine. Any ideas on what to do next?


Shift motor on the t-case. Tap it a few times with a hammer and see if breaks loose.

Thats the good old way to do it! :D

Hey if that doesn't work, you can always call Fred Flintstone and buy a club from him and try clubbing ur trac.

could it be the switch on the dash. I just dont want to fry my new module.

If the switch in the dash was bad you would not hear the clicking sound when you try to activate 4 wheel drive.

The shift motor that is mounted on the t-case is known for locking up, if it does not get activated in a long time. You can also just unbolt it and try activating it on a bench if you have a DC power supply or battery charger.

But I do know that a couple gentle taps with a hammer breaks it loose.

when I pluged the module in it starts clicking. I had the keys forward to get power and it was still in 2wd. I took it out and turned the switch..nothing happen but more clicking. I will try hitting the motor and see what happens. I just dont understand why it is clicking when in 2wd.

Thanks for everyones help!

Ok, so I did what you guys said and hit the shift motor on the transfer case, and now the 4x4 works like a charm!

You guys rock!


See the Flinstone method does work!!! :hammer: I am glad to have helped out. Make sure you engage it every once in a while to keep it functioning. I put mine in 4x4 every month at least, usually when it is raining so I can pull a good holeshot at the stop lights.:burnout:
