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4x4 problems


August 3, 2005
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'07 EB 4.6
I have a 2002 Explorer Limited v8, 4x4. I have never experienced any problem shifting into 4wd before today. I went to a friends house and had to drive on some muddy roads. It wasnt automatically shifting into 4 wheel drive so I left off the gas and pressed in the 4x4 High button. Nothing happened. No light no nothing. The ABS light came on for a minute but when I restarted the X to leave, it was off. I ended up just backing down the muddy road and back onto the main road. I get home and check the fuses related to 4x4 and they are all good. I put an aftermarket stereo in it awhile back and I thought maybe I never hooked the 4x4 buttons back up. They were plugged in! I don't know what it could be, any suggestions on what to check? Thanks!

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Yes, I shifted to N and tried the buttons. No light, nothing. I found that thread last night after I posted and I am looking into this! Thanks!

My 4WD wasn't working and found out a new control module was needed. Put that in and very shortly thereafter it started making a loud noise in overdrive when you got on a hill that wasn't enough to cause it to downshift. You could also feel it in the steering wheel and especially the gas pedal. If you just slightly let off the gas, it was jerk like it upshifted (which it couldn't) and the noise would be gone until the next strain. The RPM's didn't change when this happened.

I and the dealer mechanic thought it was a tranny problem but after taking it on a couple of rides with test equipment figured out that it wasn't the tranny at all but rather the clutches slipping in the front transfer case. The mechanic said he'd seen this happen to several '02 Explorers. The possible cure is to drain and change out the tranny fluid (Mercon III) in the front transfer case. He said to drive it for a couple of hundred miles to resaturate the fiber clutches within it. He said that had fixed several. If it didn't work, the clutch pack has to be replaced. There is no service interval for the tranny fluid in the front transfer case. They changed it out on mine and no charge and while it's somewhat improved and doesn't start doing it as quickly, once it does it, it does it with every strain even in lower gears. I'm due to have the clutch pack replaced next week.

The problem was reported before the ExtraCare 100K warranty ran out but not diagnosed correctly until after it ran out. I guess I'm going to have to battle Ford and the dealer over this after the lukewarm response from the dealer about the warranty issue. :exporange

My book calls for Foot on brake, N, push button, 4x4 go. New information for the front transfer case, add the ford friction modifier to the MERCON tranny fluid. It is to help the clutch pack. More info on Ford Truck site. Check it out.
