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4x4 question


Explorer Addict
March 15, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Carey, Ohio (Georgia Grown)
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT
Ok so this one has me stumped and i didnt really see any exact post, similar but not exact. I have all stock, push button, auto hubs etc except elec shift motor, replaced a while back.

4x4 High Will Not Engage but 4x4 Low Will engage.

2 Weeks ago 4H worked with no problems, now 4h doesnt while 4L does. The light for 4x4 doesnt come on either till 4L. You can hear the computer in the back of the X click, you can hear the hubs locking, but you can only hear them locking when in 4l. Also the hubs were VERY hot after using them.

Checked multiple ways.
In Gravel; 4H back tires spun while front didnt move.
In Gravel; 4L all 4 tires went.
Jacked Up On Stands; 4H no front tire spin
Jacked Up On Stands; 4l front tires began to spin.

What do I start to check?

(only things done between last use and this use was speedo gear change and rims)

Side Oddity: After this my either battery or alternator seems to be going out. The lights go dimm if i have radio and fan on now once I disengaged all 4x4.

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The first thing I'd do is check the case to tell if the problem is in the shifting electronics, or the case itself. Take off the shift motor, use a pair of pliers to turn the case to 4-Hi and repeat the tests to see if 4-Hi works when manually engaged.

I agree with little x, Shift it "manually" and test it on Jack stands. There may be an issue in the T-case.

well went and started it up, went right into 4h and 4lo no loud sound, no hotness etc, put it up on stands and did it manually to, same thing went right away w/ no problems... put it back together, dropped it, did it again, push the button no problems 4h then 4l wtf

Could have been that something was binding up. Was this the first time you have used 4x4 in a while? I would change the t case oil or at least check the level. Keep using it and see what happens. The best fixes are those that fix themselves!

I hate Mysteries.

One thing I have learned with any 4WD system. Use it often. Even for a minute or two. Let the parts shift/move rotate a bit.
Exercising the functions are a good thing.

this mystery kind of sucks cause im hoping it dont do it again when i really need it.

That's why I canned the cheezy Auto Hubs about two weeks after I bought my 'X' . The Hubs worked but clicked.
With my wife's odd working hours, I didn't need her to get stuck in the snow

if they click when you disengage them is that a sign that there going out?

if they click when you disengage them is that a sign that there going out?

There are a few plastic parts in the Hub that distort and can click until they break.

First, you might want to try cleaning the Auto Hubs. Pull them off, fill them with Diesel fuel or kerosene or home heating oil. this will break up and clean out any grease from the hubs. After the gack is out of them, pour some auto trani fluid in them. wait a bit then dump it out. That is you lubrication for these Hubs. then put them back on and see if they stop clicking.

We do not use the 'X' for offroading but is was worth it to me to spend about $200 and 30 minutes put the Manual Hubs on. It's my wifes daily driver and when she needs to get to and from work in the snow.. I like knowing the 4WD will be there.

ya i cleaned the plastic parts on the hub.
but i wasnt sure how to clean the hub itself.
without removing the clip.
how important is it to put the hub on at the right deg?
theres 5 diff ways to put it on and only 1 seats the hub all the way down to the rotor.
does it matter what kinda ATF?
d/m atf+4 or type f?

There are plastic parts down in the Hub too that distort.
Yeah, don't remove that large Snap Ring and pull stuff apart.. scary
The Hub will go down to the Rotor no matter how you put it on. The only reason it appears to only fit one way is because the spline on the Axle isn't lining up. If you giggle it a bit, in any position, it should drop down to the rotor.

Any ATF. It's really the thin viscosity that's important, not the Friction coefficients in the different types.

ya thanks.
i just put new bearings in and new brakes.
its a shame i couldnt have cleaned out the hubs too.
now all the grease in the bearings is nasty like the hubs.
he had 5# of grease packed in the hubs too.
now i know how to clean them.
btw i dont need to lube the hub after cleaning them with the atf?
the atf left behind is enough lube?

ya thanks.
i just put new bearings in and new brakes.
its a shame i couldnt have cleaned out the hubs too.
now all the grease in the bearings is nasty like the hubs.
he had 5# of grease packed in the hubs too.
now i know how to clean them.
btw i dont need to lube the hub after cleaning them with the atf?
the atf left behind is enough lube?

Yup. The film of lubricant left by the Trani fluid is all it takes.

If they Click after that, they are not happy.

to check them after cleaning them should i just jack the front end up and rotate the drive shaft till they lock then reverse the DS to see if they click?

to check them after cleaning them should i just jack the front end up and rotate the drive shaft till they lock then reverse the DS to see if they click?

I have never heard mine click when doing that. I had to take it for a drive. Turning seemed to bring it on.
