5.0 Headers-Stainless vs. Ceramic coated | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 Headers-Stainless vs. Ceramic coated


Well-Known Member
February 17, 2001
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Central Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Mountaineer 4.6L
What are the advantages/disadvantages of stainless headers vs. ceramic coated? Still considering a pair for my 5.0 to increase torque. Thanks Mike

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i had this same question. i just ordered mine last week and they should be here Monday. i got the plain stainless. the ceramics are ceramic-coated stainless. im guessing its mostly a matter of looks, as stainless doesnt rust. the plain stainless ones look kinda rough, but i may clean mine up with a die grinder and some polishing compound. ill let you know what they look like when i get them. also, the ceramic ones will hold heat in a little better, reducing underhood temps.

Mike, I wouldn't get you hopes up on gaining much torque by switching headers, unless you found some that are designed for torque enhancement. Most aftermarket headers are designed to help incerase horse power, which usually results in a loss of torque. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of the possibility and check with the header manufacturer before you make your purchase.

Thanks James and Mike! I believe you are right, James. Logically the ceramic coating would contain heat and perhaps some sound. Yes, I am not after horsepower, Mike, mostly more useable torque for towing. I do appreciate your knowledge and honestly. You know, I have a lot of respect for my 93 OHV 4.0L's torque range. It maxes at a very useable 2200-2400 RPM: pound for pound, it is quite a puller! Just does not have much left on long grades when towing our small trailer loaded with me and my wife's camping supplies. Does fine, however, otherwise. My 96 5.0 reaches torque at 3200 RPM, 600-700RPM above my normal safe towing speed of 60 MPH. I don't know who makes headers designed to enhance torque for the 5.0. Wish I knew! Most folks are looking for more horsepower. I look at pictures of how restrictive the factory OE 5.0 headers are and I wonder why. Yet, I know a lot of well paid engineers at Ford had a reason. Perhaps the Explorer 5.0 engine is a little more "Mustang" than "truck". I do know that it will run fast. (early hotter rodder in me) Thanks again, Mike and James!

Originally posted by MikeTEC
I look at pictures of how restrictive the factory OE 5.0 headers are and I wonder why. Yet, I know a lot of well paid engineers at Ford had a reason.

The "reason" is so the robots that are used to attach the headers have a stright shot at the mounting bolts. :confused: Sounds stupid, but thats why they are shaped the way they are.

well, that makes sense to me now. i have allways wondered why the stock X headers are exactly the same as the FMS headers, except the heat shields and the "crimps" in the tubes. i just thought it was because ford doesnt like horsepower. thanx for the info.
