5.0 XLT AWD Conversion to 2WD | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 XLT AWD Conversion to 2WD

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i have a quick question. I didnt see it covered in the posts. I just started doing the same swap on my 97 X. Could i just take the front end apart and pull the gears and axles out and leave everything else in there. And still replace the spindles and rotors? Any answers would be great.

You cannot leave that hole open to dirt, dust, water... You have some bearings that might get upset.

yea i was going to pull everything apart and find something to seal both sides so no dirt or water could get in there and contaminate everything

i have a quick question. I didnt see it covered in the posts. I just started doing the same swap on my 97 X. Could i just take the front end apart and pull the gears and axles out and leave everything else in there. And still replace the spindles and rotors? Any answers would be great.

It would be a heck of alot easier to just leave the front diff out of the truck. You are going to have to take it out of the truck to gut the gears out anyway, so whats the point?

i thought that i would have to keep it in there for support. Can i just leave it out completly?

be sure to get 2wd spindles and bearings though--the 4wd hub needs the axle nut and cv shaft to hold it in place.

Or as an alternative you can cut the boots off of the cv axles and tear them down so you just have the splined shaft and cup the bearings sit in. Put that in there and torque it down like normal. Without that in there the bearing would fall apart in a matter of moments.

Or as an alternative you can cut the boots off of the cv axles and tear them down so you just have the splined shaft and cup the bearings sit in. Put that in there and torque it down like normal. Without that in there the bearing would fall apart in a matter of moments.

Can we use this method for an extended amount of time, years perhaps?

I have the 4406 and do not have a front drive shaft yet because of vibrating problems so I'm kinda stuck with 2WD till i get enough funds to get a custom one made.

Yes you will be fine like that. I ran with just the axle stub for about a year and a half, the put everything back together this winter and everything has been great. I'll be switching back over to the stubs here in the next couple of weeks when I'm sure we won't see any more snow.

did you put the other half of the stub back in the diff to keep it sealed from outside elements?

If the diff is still in then yes you need to put the other stub back in. I pull the diff out when I do it so that isn't as big of a problem for me. Once the axles and driveshaft are out it's not that much more work to just drop it. It can be a pain to hang back up though if your by yourself.

im doing my swap this weekend. finally got all of the front end parts that i needed. If anybody needs anything ( hubs, spindles, upper and lower A arms, 6 bolt front driveshaft, bearings, front end assembly with 3.73 gears) ill be getting rid of them. Cheap

Will 2WD Ranger spindles work?

Just trying to find which spindles will work for a 2wd conversion. 99 Explorer 5.o AWD. Bad transfer case, I stay home when it snows anyway. South Central Pa. Retired

You will need a transmission & drive shaft from a 2wd. Then swap in a 2wd front suspension for your 4wd front susppension.
I have a 2wd 98 explorer auto 4.o ohv 5r55e I can not find one in the junkyard so I'm thinking about just rebuilding or trying to swap the tail end from my 2wd with a 4wd u don't know much about
