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5-10 mins til.........


January 24, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Maple Ridge, BC
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT Eddie B!
i leave to go pick up my explorer! im excited :D ill take pics and post them up when i get home! :confused: :D

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man i remember that feeling....thoses were the days.....;-)

I remember waiting for mine to arrive, I had to wait for a truck that was towing my truck on a flatbed trailer. I was like a kid in a candy store when that thing arrived.

Dude I don't know if you realize this but this site doesn't work like cardomain does. It gets kind of annoying when you put a link to your truck and say "tell me whatcha think" every time you post.

j602 said:
Dude I don't know if you realize this but this site doesn't work like cardomain does. It gets kind of annoying when you put a link to your truck and say "tell me whatcha think" every time you post.

I was about to call him on this yesterday, but felt like being nice :D

Put your site in your sig man.. if people want to look, they will look. No need to pimp it out in every post.

Yeah it didn't really bother me the first couple times but after you see about 20-30 posts with that in it, it gets a little old.

alright sorry about that guys I didnt know I can put it on my sig.

Thanks J6 and Premier

No problem, just a tip for future reference. Always good to learn something new.

I only got about 3hrs sleep the night before I got my '99. I had a '95 XLT and I was so pumped to get my Limited.


well i have to go to work now, so i will take some better pics when i get home (only have dark pics).
