project build as you drive- intro. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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project build as you drive- intro.


December 30, 2007
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2002 explorer xlt
Just wanted to say thanks to all for the warm welcome. Tomorrow (Friday) I am going to leave work early to hit the road with my 02 Ex and my son to pick up the latest project/moneypit. I'm actually pretty excited about getting it home, not sure why- Ive had much more interesting purchases- maybe because this 99 Ranger is a simple 2wd and I really havent had any interest in tricking one of these out before or even been interested in owning one- I've just been partial to 4x4's for so long. I live in upstate NY but the winters have been fairly mild the last few years w/ the occasional snow storm, plus we have th Explorer if it turns ugly. I guess something different is good, the older you get. The first order of business is going to get this thing driving, it's going to be my d.d., I bought it sight unseen ( besides crappy craigslist pics) and paypal'd the guy to hold it til I could get there, it's 2 hours away. It comes complete with a blown motor- as in no oil pressure, wont start, not supercharged blown.- Hey what did you expect for 900 bucks. I think for now I am going to drop in a 3.0 replacement I found today that is in a wrecked 2000. I'll snap some pics and post as I go- this could change but I'm really liking the idea of a pre-runner type daily driver that I build as I drive. Any suggestions or advice are very welcome and wanted. Later guys........Joe.

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Welcome to Explorer Forum!

Oh man lucky you!
I want to build a 2wd Ranger so bad I can taste it!


I drove a BII for 13+ years as I built it and never looked back


build as you drive.....

Ok the batteries in my digital camera are dead but I'll get some pic's up asap- brought the project home today- I'll just say up front the bed rails are rougher than I thought they would be and there are various small dents that did not show up in the pic's when I bought it.:mad:- Oh well, I guess-for $900 that's what I get. - It's also a good reason to save up for some fiberglass fenders and bedsides. I don't know that the motor is blown... the starter was out of it , the oil and antifreeze look good, the engine rolls over by hand but the THEFT system is keeping the thing from starting- anyone know the procedure for overiding or reseting this? I know on some trucks, it's a series of turning the ignition on and off for a certain amount of time...... Had a blow out on the right rear of the Ranger while towdollying it home on the highway ( 75mph) (passing lane in traffic) (in the mountains) (downhill) (!) :eek: made it home safe. Wound up being a 200 mile round trip. Can't wait to get wrenching on it. First thing is to see if this 3litre is any good. I'm going to do some research.

410fortune- thanks man. Just wanted to tell ya, Before I ever posted anything here, I followed your daily driver rebuild and loved it- it's actually part of the inspiration for my current project. yOU DO NICE WORK.
