5R55E Tranny Pan | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5R55E Tranny Pan


Explorer Addict
June 27, 2005
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1998 Sport 4wd- V6 Sohc
I am going to replace my trainy fluid soon and thought that since I had the pan off I might as well look around and see what was available in performance Transmission pans for the 5R55E.

I recall post in the past about deeper and finned tranny pans. Can anyone suggest a decent pan that will lower the temp of the trainy fluid?


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They make a lot of different pans in aluminum, chrome, and iron. Do you want to spend a few hundred for one of these? They take about 3 quarts of ATF which also adds to the cost. A good quality cooler should work fine. Some deep pans have problems fitting the 4.0L exhausts. Check this link for deep pans: http://www.yourcovers.com/tp_9614_2.shtml

Yeah, I noticed the price $$$ a little more than I wanted to invest and the extra fluid does add to this.

Thanks for the tip Brooklyn.

A good idea instead of installing a new pan is to follow Aldives thread on the remote oil filter and (if not mistaken, aftermarket tranny cooler)-chime in Al if I am wrong. I believe you will get the best results from these mods.

A good idea instead of installing a new pan is to follow Aldives thread on the remote oil filter and (if not mistaken, aftermarket tranny cooler)-chime in Al if I am wrong. I believe you will get the best results from these mods.

Agreed; I don't see a real reason for an aftermarket pan.
