91 Exploder, Bunch of problems. HELP! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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91 Exploder, Bunch of problems. HELP!


New Member
August 22, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Townsend MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT
Just got my 91 xlt auto 4 door 4x4. The gas gage and oil pressure gages dont work, And It makes a humming noise from the front right wheel area. The noise gets worse when De-Cellerating, and when there is more weight on that wheel it also gets louder (like when turning left). It is related to wheel speed, and seems indifferent to weather i am braking or not. Also, in rain that tire locks up very easily. It needs an alignment and tires somewhat badly, but i dont thing that would cause that problem. Also, when driving, if i hold the wheel streight, it will veer off to the right, so i have to hold it almost 90 segrees to the left, but it doesnt pull, it is like the steering wheel is on crooked. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I am thinking the tire problem MIGHT be the wheel bearing, which is easy to check and replace. I would look at that first. Check my site for some pics of my hub install and directions.

Sounds like the front brake caliper is hanging up, or the wheel bearing is fubared.

Not too hard to fix either way, jack it up , take the tire off and have a look.

For the gages first check the fuses.

All indications point to your wheel bearings. First thing to check is to lift your tire up and see if you can move/shake it. If there is movement on the tire in any direction (in/out), your bearings are shot.

They are not hard to replace and the bearings are relatively inexpensive, abut $20 a set (bearing and race) inside and outside.

The hardest part is removing the spindle nut and the locking pin/key. After that it's fairly straight forward.

You may need to take it to a shop to press out the old race and press in the new race.

i also just noticed that my front tires are toed out real bad. i just got back from a little trail ride and had no other problems with anything, but the noise persists. i'll check the bearings in the morning. thanks for the help.
