91 explorer build up... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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91 explorer build up...


New Member
October 3, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Masury, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT
Ok I know this is probably in the site in other areas or if Ijust searched. But I dont have nuch time to check that much stuff online way to busy usually. SO if anyone could help me in here that would be great. Ok so I have a 91 explorer XLT. I do some mild off-roading nothin to crazy but I like to throw mud and have fun. But I was wondering if there is a way I can lift my truck without gettin ripped with prices for lift kits. I know chevy has alot of little tricks you can do here and there. But they also dont have the front end that my explorer does. I know I will do the axle under in the back. but what bout the front? I have heard of f-150 coils and some puck??? what year f-150 coils and what are these pucks if anyone can give me any sites or anyhting that would be great. Please help me out. I am not new to off-roading just new to fords. got tired of chevys failing me in the mud.

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There is plenty of information on the site on how to lift your truck. For the time that it took you to find the forum, register, then make a post you can read a quick thread on lifting. It's worth doing the research before trying to get into a project you know nothing about.

I used to not have a lot of time, but cut out a few hours of TV each day, and you learn a lot from the boards.

Yea cause i dont even have a tv... never watched it I work to much and when i have been registered for this site for awhile now it took me 2 seconds to put this topic up... But thanks four0sport for helping out and not just being a d-bag like others

...You know, name calling won't get you anywhere so you might want to read the rules first...After your done with them, be sure to check out the "How to" in my signature..;)

yea i know i read them i just love how people think everyone has time ot waste on tv I work 16 hours a day and when i come home and read stuff liek that kinda gets under your skin

Why are my posts gone?
Your attitude is what is killing you.
Since you don't have time to read, would it be all right for all of us to just come over and do the work for you too?

Why are my posts gone?

...Just my thoughts...I think the Moderators seen that everyones points were made and just cleaned up this thread so it wouldn't turn into a rant thread...:dunno:

...Them guys are always working hard around here...;)

If it was mods my bad......

well I got laid off at my job so I have all the time in the world now. But Thank you guys that helped me out. Like I said i dont know anyhting bout the ford front end. This is only my second ford truck. I was into chevys. I know this question will be in another post but can someone answer it for me. Can I use f-150 coils or f-250 coils on my explorer or will i have to change the coil seats? I have had a bunch of people tell me I wouldnt have to but then at the same time a bunch of people say i needed to?? Im lost, and what was the purpose of this set up front end I dont see any good in it just my opinion

Yea i have seen that and i have it saved but I kinda wanna find a way to level the front and back im goin to do the axle under i was told that wil give bout 5 inches is this correct?

Yes, you'll get about 5 to 5.5 inches of lift out of the back. The only way to level it after that is to get a 5-6 inch suspension lift for the front or go solid axle swap.

5 to 6 inch lift. That should be good for driving daily and some light off-roading. I go through mud and some hills so susp flex is not a big deal to me. i want the front to be level with my rear lift for the axle under. I have seen some lifts in here and on other sites but I dont know what I will all need some kits say they come with everything I need and the everything I need is different from site to site... God ford is confusing... and LBarr I have read many threads about SAS and it dont seem to be something I want to get into at this point in time maybe down the road when I get a beater car till I get it finished... Does anyone know of the true everything I will need lift for a decent price front only?

probably if your lucky you could go to a pick n pull and try to find a lift a ranger lift would work for the front also:)

yea but i could also do that to a lifted explorer also... the only problem is tryin to find that around my area

you WILL need axle beam drop brackets, these can be purshased from lift companys seperately. alot of guys use the jeep 6" coils for more flex, but you could also just buy the skyjacker 5.5 ranger lift, itll give you close to 5" of lift on your explorer. after this much lift you WILL need a drop pitman arm, fully adjustable camber shims, and a good alignment.

...Not to mention all lifts do not include the shocks and you will need or should get, extended brake lines...

...I would think that you would also do the spring over axle in the rear at the same time...If you intend to do keep the spring under axle you would need to replace your leaf pack...A 4" lift is also great for the set up you are describing...

...I thought I saw some lift kits here in the classified section not to long ago...:dunno:

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