92 explorer ticking | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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92 explorer ticking


June 17, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Vancouver, Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XLT manual
I've had way to many issues with my explorer. I just fixed my A/C by replacing my A/C compressor, a new serp belt, a new dryer, and a new Orpheus tube filter. After doing so i now have a ticking sound coming out of the motor. It sounds like it is coming out of the top end. This is the last piece of the puzzle for fixing my explorer. I replaced my plugs and wires because i had an electrical storm going on under the hood. I think i might have a half dead cylinder too >.< Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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does it get louder on acceleration? or at any particular rpm? could just be a little bit of a lifter tick, i know a lot of 4.0's seem to get the lifter tick for some reason, if so i wouldn't worry about it.

or it could also be an exhaust leak... take a stethoscope and move it around, see if you can locate where its coming from, or post a video of the engine running so we can hear it and take better guesses

Ok so the sound really comes out at about 2000 and does increase in volume. At idle you can hear it too as a slight tick tick tick. I have taken a video and you can barely hear it. Maybe it will help diagnose. At least the engine doesnt lope. One thing is that i have a modified exhaust on it so that is what makes it so loud. The thing that wories me the worse is that you can hear it from inside over the sound of the exhaust. I know i have a slight exhaust leak but thats not the whole noise.

Well i can't tell what it is from the video..... i'm not even sure i could hear the clicking.

did you try the stethoscope thing? (or use a piece of hose with one end to your ear)?

next time u get gas....get mid-grade or premium...took my ping away

I've had way to many issues with my explorer. I just fixed my A/C by replacing my A/C compressor, a new serp belt, a new dryer, and a new Orpheus tube filter. After doing so i now have a ticking sound coming out of the motor. It sounds like it is coming out of the top end. This is the last piece of the puzzle for fixing my explorer. I replaced my plugs and wires because i had an electrical storm going on under the hood. I think i might have a half dead cylinder too >.< Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I'm having the same trouble with mine.Seems like if I drive for awhile it goes away but just idling it gets worse the longer it idles
