93 explorer ignition switch removal and testing. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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93 explorer ignition switch removal and testing.


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August 20, 2007
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I'm looking for instructions for the removal and replacement of the ignition switch. Also, are there any test points other than removing the steering wheel and column covers to verify the ignition switch is bad?

Thanks for any help.

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to remove pull the lower column cover. there is a passage way angled up from the bottom of the switch on the steering wheel side. Insert a pin (I use the long screw from the column cover) to depress a pin in the cylinder. Hold the pin up with the key in the ignition, turn to start and pull out on the key gently.

to remove pull the lower column cover. there is a passage way angled up from the bottom of the switch on the steering wheel side. Insert a pin (I use the long screw from the column cover) to depress a pin in the cylinder. Hold the pin up with the key in the ignition, turn to start and pull out on the key gently.

That's the ignition cylinder, not the ignition switch.

To get to the ignition switch remove the lower dash piece, remove the 4 bolts that hold the steering column up, the wheel will swing down into the driver's seat. Then you can access the ignition switch at the bottom of the column, right before it goes through the firewall.

If you have the column shift auto, you will want to also remove the upper column cover. This will give you access to the retaining screw for the gear indicator cable. (had mine off this weekend) Some cars might have enough slack in that cable to drop the column without damage, but mine does not. Ignition switch is on top of the column, near the pedals, held in by a pair of 7/16 bolts. I find it easier to remove the electrical connector after removing the bolts. The column in my 93 is held up by two 5/8 head bolts. For the price of the part, I would just put a new switch, rather than testing the old one. Also, remember to check that the key performs all the correct functions in the right positions, as the switch has slots for the mounting hardware rather than round holes.
On a side note, there is an adjuster on the gear indication cable near the guages if your indicator is not showing quite where you would like it to be.

how do yu know if ignition switch is bad

do I replace the ignition switch along with the ignition cyd?I mean which is bad.mine sticks when its started and i have to pull it back my self.So is it the cyd. or ignition switch inside the steering column?


If the key is not returning to a home position you need to replace the Ignition LOCK about 15 dollars from parts house. I just did this on my 92 because it would hang. To get the key to work on the doors you need to take the new key (which only has notches on the end of the key) to a locksmith to add the upper notches for the door lock section. I did not have to drop the steering wheel but did finagle a large paper clip up into the key housing to release the lock. You must have the key in the lock to remove it.
